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Web ResourcesProfessional Development Teaching Today is Glencoe's premiere professional development site for teachers. This site offers daily teaching tips, free downloadable materials, and a wealth of other resources you can use in the classroom today.
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE): At the home page for this national organization, you can learn about their journals, books, and events. You can find and share teaching ideas with other teachers. You can also register for membership in this association.
Modern Language Association (MLA): This site is devoted to the national association dedicated to the study of language and literature. Included is information about MLA style, reports, committees, publications, and awards.
International Reading Association (IRA): Here you will find information about the association, its conferences and conventions, councils and affiliates. Publications, research, and a directory are also included.
National Education Association: At this site you can connect to pages covering educational topics, issues, and resources. Subjects include public education, legislative action, school safety, health information, educational materials, and books and publications.
Reading Lists Here you will find a roundup of annual book lists published on the Web. The lists represent several perspectives on the year's top choices. Included are links to lists sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association, Smithsonian magazine, Booklist, and Science magazine.
Outstanding Books for the College Bound: This is one of the lists prepared by the Young Adult Library Services Association. It is divided into five sections: fiction, nonfiction, biography, drama, and poetry.
Resources for Writers National Writing Centers Association: This site contains links to sites related to writing including guidelines, samples of various sorts of writing, grammar help and links to other writing resources.
At this site, you can search or browse the thesaurus, or search the dictionary or the Web for a particular word. You can also find interactive crossword puzzles, a word of the day, and a translator for Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Portuguese.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and Thesaurus: In addition to the dictionary and thesaurus, this site includes a daily word game, a word of the day, a word for the wise, and a feature on the lighter side of language.
This site is a treasure-trove of links to over two hundred dictionaries of languages from Creole to Maori to Zulu. Also included are links to specialized English dictionaries, thesauri, on-line grammars, and a Web of linguistic fun.
This site is a good demonstration of how computer technology can present verbal information graphically. To find synonyms, all you need do is point the cursor at a word and the synonyms appear in a web surrounding the original word. You can continue the process by pointing to another word and synonyms will appear for that one and so on.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: Part of the Bartleby Library, this 1901 edition of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs from ancient and modern literature.
This is an invaluable site for internet research. Not only does it contain the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica, but it also contains listings of thousands of Web sites, rated by Britannica editors, and magazines, books, and the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. Search by topics from arts, science, travel, and technology. Also, link to today's news postings from the Washington Post.
Electronic Texts University of Virginia's Modern English Collection: This site houses a collection of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, letters, newspapers, manuscripts, and illustrations from 1500 to the present. You can browse texts by area of interest, including African American, Native American, Women, and Literature in Translation.
Complete Works of William Shakespeare: The complete comedies, tragedies, histories, and poetry of William Shakespeare can be found on this site. Includes a search engine, a glossary, and links.
In addition to the novels, poetry, plays, and speeches found in this site are the ninth edition of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations and the 1918 edition of The Elements of Style. A search engine is included.
The goal of this enormous site is to publish as e-texts all literature that enters the public domain. Currently its over 10,000 works include light literature, such as Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan heavy literature, such as Moby Dick and the Bible and reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Other Literary Sites This site is an index of indexes, listing individual author guides or other documents relating to specific writers.
This highly rated site features a new poem each day, including information about the featured poet and book. It also maintains a daily listing of reviews and articles about poetry and poets from national and international sources.
This site is devoted to creating the largest, most diverse, and user-friendly on-line library of poetry. Currently it contains almost 6,000 poems by more than 600 poets. In addition, it lists favorites, a bibliography, and links.
This site is dedicated to the lives and works of 13 of America's most test's famous modern poets, including T. S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, and Wallace Stevens. Based on the Voices & Visions video series, which is periodically shown on PBS, these Web pages give links to photographs, biographies, exhibits, and poems by and about these poets. The video series itself is an excellent teacher resource and may also be suitable for your advanced American Literature classes after you have previewed the videos.
A collection of links to excellent humanities Web sites, including African Studies, the American Memory Project, Documenting the American South, Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and Mark Twain and His Times.
An abundance of links to important newspapers, magazines and journals, news services, book reviews, columnists, search engines, utilities, and amusements. Lead-ins to articles of note, new books, essays and opinions, with links to the on-line source page, updated daily. An invaluable source for keeping up with what is happening in the world of language, literature, the arts, criticism, and culture.
The Academy of American Poets: A great source for biographies and bibliographies of American poets, particularly contemporary ones. On this site one can find a poet, visit a poetry exhibit, join a discussion, or read featured essays
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