Food, Nutrition & Wellness ©2010Chapter 27:
MilkChapter SummariesMilk and milk products are good sources of many nutrients, including protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Most people need the equivalent of 3 cups (750 mL) of milk daily. Milk, yogurt, and cheese come in different forms and flavors. They can be eaten as they are or mixed in beverages and dishes. Friendly bacteria, heat, and acidic ingredients change milk and help create products like yogurt and cheese. Stores sell many fresh and convenience dairy products. Shop wisely. Store milk products properly. Cook milk products carefully to keep their texture and flavor.
Content and Academic Vocabulary Content Vocabulary
lactose | curdle | cultured product | pasteurized | fermentation | homogenized | coagulate | curd | denaturing | whey |
Academic Vocabulary
develop |