Culinary Essentials ©2010Glencoe Visual Showcase: Culinary ''How-To'' PresentationsThe Culinary Essentials Visual Showcases are highly visual PowerPoint presentations that allow students to get an up-close look at culinary techniques, such as braising food and preparing a chiffon cake. Wash Your Hands
Change a Tablecloth
Grip a Knife
Safely Cut Food
Make a Chiffonade Cut
Make a Rondelle Cut
Make a Diagonal Cut
Dice Food
Mince Food
Sharpen and True Knives
Dredge and Bread Food
Braise Food
Make a Sachet
Scramble Eggs
Make a French Omelet
Build a Salad
Make a Vinaigrette Dressing
Prepare Quantities of Sandwiches
Prepare White Stock
Prepare a Glaze
Make a Roux
Peel and Devein Shrimp
Steam Fish en Papillote
Cut Up Poultry
Truss Whole Birds
Carve Roasted Turkey
Broil or Grill Poultry
Saute Poultry
Braise Poultry
Boil Pasta
Stuff Pasta
Make Risotto
Grill Fruit
Whisk Mixtures
Use the Modified Straight-Dough Method
Use the Sponge Method
Knead Yeast Dough
Create a Braided Loaf
Use the Biscuit Method
Cut and Form Biscuits
Blend Muffins
Prepare a Bread Loaf
Mix Creamed Cookie Dough
Make Biscotti
Make Rolled Cookies
Prepare an Angel Food Cake
Use the Blending Method for Cakes
Prepare a Sponge Cake
Prepare a Chiffon Cake
Make Baked Custard
Make Creme Anglais