1 How many colors are on the MyPyramid chart?A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 2 How often are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans updated?A) Every year B) Every five years C) Every six months D) Every week 3 A sedentary person does less than how many minutes of moderate to heavy physical activity a day?A) Two hours B) One hour C) 30 minutes D) 15 minutes 4 How have food portion sizes changed in recent years?A) Portion sizes have stayed about the same. B) Portion sizes have become smaller. C) Portion sizes have grown dramatically. D) Portion sizes have grown slightly. 5 What is a plant used for medicinal purposes called?A) An herbal B) A phytochemical C) A dietary supplement D) A medical plant 6 What factor determines height and overall shape?A) Diet B) Exercise C) Genes D) Visualization 7 A BMI of what number or higher indicates that an adult is obese?A) 20.7 B) 25 C) 28 D) 30 8 What is the most successful way to achieve and maintain weight loss?A) Fasting B) Behavior modification C) Fad diets D) Heavy exercise 9 Which of the following is a positive eating habit?A) Focusing on vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products, and dry beans B) Occasionally skipping a meal C) Giving in to emotional eating D) Concentrating on just a few fruits and vegetables that you enjoy. 10 Which of the following is not a good strategy for people trying to gain weight?A) Eat three meals a day and frequent snacks. B) Choose nutritious high-calorie beverages such as juice and milk. C) Decrease exercise. D) Avoid skipping meals. 11 Which of the following is not a strategy for coping with stress?A) Develop a sense of humor. B) Avoid talking with others about problems. C) Make sure to get enough sleep. D) Keep physically fit. 12 Which of the following is not a reason soup is good when recovering from an illness?A) Liquid foods soothe a sore throat. B) The fluid in soup helps replace fluids lost due to vomiting or fever. C) Soups are easily digested. D) Soups dry out nasal and sinus tissues. 13 Which of the following statements about binge eating disorders is not true?A) An eating binge usually occurs in the presence of several friends of family members. B) Binge eating disorder leads to excessive weight gain. C) A person with a binge eating disorder may consume up to 5,000 calories in one sitting. D) Binge eating is the most common eating disorder. 14 How are your nutrient needs affected during a mild illness?A) Your nutrient needs decrease during a mild illness. B) Your nutrient needs stay the same during a mild illness. C) Your nutrient needs increase during a mild illness. D) You have completely different nutrient needs during a mild illness. 15 What is stress?A) Physical tension caused by a person's reaction to a situation B) Mental tension caused by a person's reaction to a situation C) Physical or mental tension caused by a person's reaction to a situation D) Emotional tension caused by a person's reaction to a situation 16 What are the five stages of the human life span?A) Prenatal period, babyhood, adolescence, adulthood, and elderly period B) Prenatal period, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood C) Embryonic, infancy, childhood, teenager, and adulthood D) Prenatal period, childhood, pre-adolescence, adolescence, and adulthood 17 How much weight do most women gain during pregnancy?A) 15-20 pounds B) 25-35 pounds C) 35-45 pounds D) 40-50 pounds 18 Why is being able to self-feed an important step for an infant?A) It makes more food choices available. B) It saves time for the infant's parents. C) It helps exercise and develop the infant's motor skills. D) It allows the infant increased independence. 19 What is the second most rapid growth period of life?A) Infancy B) Childhood C) Adolescence D) Adulthood 20 Which of the following is not a guideline for helping children develop a healthy approach to food and nutrition?A) Serve foods that vary in color and texture. B) Make shopping trips with children fun and educational. C) Encourage children to choose water over sugary drinks when they are thirsty. D) Insist that children eat everything on their plates.