Food for Today ©2010

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Which of the following groups is at the least risk of suffering from a foodborne illness?
C)pregnant women
D)older adults
To avoid transferring harmful bacteria when handling foods, do a 20-second scrub except
A)after peeling potatoes.
B)after cracking eggs.
C)before starting to prepare dinner.
D)after blowing your nose.
Which of the following behaviors could result in cross-contamination?
A)Bridget cut up salad vegetables on the same cutting board on which a raw turkey was placed.
B)Jason ate a very raw steak.
C)Beth set the temperature in the refrigerator meat keeper above the recommended temperature to save electricity.
D)Tammy used a wooden cutting board to slice potatoes.
Bacteria will grow fastest at
A)room temperature.
B)when help below freezing.
C)when the temperature of the food reaches 180°F.
D)in an oven set at 350°F.
The best place to thaw frozen food is
A)in the refrigerator.
B)on the counter.
C)in the microwave.
D)in the sink filled with hot water.
Which of the following is not a good food storage practice?
A)Follow package directions for storing foods.
B)Use the “last in, first out” principle.
C)Use canned food with a year.
D)Clean storage areas clean.
____ is spoilage due to the breakdown of fats.
B)Freezer Burn
To prevent freezer burn freeze
A)fresh meat, poultry, and seafood in wrapping in which they came from the store.
B)leftovers in plastic margarine tubs.
C)rewrap fresh meat, poultry, and seafood in heavy-duty freezer wrap.
D)use frozen items within a year.
The FDA’s GRAS list is a list of
A)harmful substances.
B)food items that have been recalled.
C)additives with a long history of safe use.
D)nutrient in specific foods.
Which of the following agencies establishes the maximum safe level of a pesticide in foods?
A)The Food Safety and Inspection Service
B)The Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
C)The Environmental Protection Agency
D)The National Center for Infectious Diseases
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