Glencoe World History: Modern Times © 2011 Virginia Edition

Chapter 18: Nationalism Around the World

Nationalism Around the World

Which of these reforms were NOT introduced by President Kemal Atatürk of Turkey?
A)popular education
B)the modernization of Turkey's economy
C)the caliphate
D)the transformation into a secular state
What did the Balfour Declaration do?
A)established British mandates in Iraq and Jordan
B)provided encouragement to Arab nationalists
C)condemned Iranian ties to Nazi Germany
D)expressed support for a national Jewish homeland in Palestine
A new generation of young African leaders, many of whom were educated in Europe and the United States, included _____.
A)Jomo Kenyatta
B)Marcus Garvey
C)W.E.B. Du Bois
D)Ibn Saud
A Vietnamese revolutionary, _____ gained valuable training from the Soviets.
A)Ho Chi Minh
B)Mao Zedong
C)Chiang Kai-shek
D)Sun Yat-sen
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the emergence of an aggressive military state in Japan?
A)resentment of Western influence
B)anger at the government's pacifist policies in the 1920s
C)anger at cuts in military spending
D)resentment of a return to traditional values
Mao Zedong believed China's _____ would lead a communist revolution.
A)upper class
B)urban working class
C)rural peasants
D)All of these.
Chiang Kai-shek planned to use which of the following to modernize Chinese industry?
A)traditional Confucian values
B)democratic means
C)Five Year Plans
D)dictatorial power
When the United States became the foremost investor in Latin America in the 1920s, U.S. investors _____.
A)controlled Latin American industries directly
B)bought stocks that spurred investment in Latin America
C)took complete control over the governments of Latin America
D)preferred indirect control of companies
Which was a positive effect of the Great Depression on Latin America?
A)development of new industries and manufacturing
B)decreased demand for raw materials
C)drop of exports
D)dependence on cash crop exports
In Mexico, president Lázaro Cárdenas became popular among peasants when he _____.
A)became a party boss
B)redistributed 44 million acres of land
C)sold PEMEX to the United States
D)closed down the official PRI party
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