Glencoe World HistoryChapter 21:
The Height of Imperialism, 1800–1914Web Activity Lesson PlansIntroduction
Mexico's independence movement involved a fascinating array of inspiring characters. In this activity students will learn about the major figures in the independence movement and how their contributions were critical to the movement's success. Lesson Description
Students will go to the Mexican Independence Web site to read about four prominent figures in the Mexican independence movement. They will answer a series of questions and then write a resume for one of the four people. Instructional Objectives - Students will be able to identify the major people and events during the Mexican independence movement.
- Students will be able to apply what they have learned by writing a resume about one of the major figures of the Mexican independence movement.
Student Web Activity Answers - The French revolution and the Napoleonic wars diverted attention of Spain from its colonies, leaving a vacuum and increasing dissatisfaction and desire for local government. The forced removal of Ferdinand VII from the Spanish throne and his replacement by Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother, presented an opportunity for the Mexican intelligentsia to rebel.
- Hidalgo had been troubled by Spanish rule. When Spanish forces destroyed his vineyard, which was prohibited by Spain, he decided to fight against Spanish oppression.
- José Morales was a mestizo parish priest who organized independent chieftains across Mexico and established a Congress, which created a declaration of independence and a constitution.
- The Plan the Iguala is a plan for a constitutional monarchy for an independent Mexico.
- Students' resumes will vary but should include detailed information for the person being described.