Glencoe World HistoryUnit 6:
Toward a Global Civilization, 1945–PresentLiterature ConnectionsGlencoe Literature Library Glencoe’s Literature Library provides a brief description of each novel and play available from Glencoe, a list of related readings, and a link to study guides. Literature Classics Search our Glencoe database of literature classics by author, title, date, genre, theme, or country, and print the selected item. Glencoe Literature: The Reader's Choice
Browse through our Glencoe Literature: The Reader's Choice Web
sites that offer additional information about selections and authors by clicking
on the titles listed below. #2
Memory by Victor Hernandez Cruz Address
Upon Receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature by William Faulkner from
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes by Maya Angelou Ambush
by Tim O'Brien from
An American Childhood by Annie Dillard American
History by Judith Ortiz Cofer And
of Clay Are We Created by Isabel Allende The
Angry Winter by Loren Eiseley Answer
by Bei Dao Appetizer
by Robert H. Abel apprenticeship
1978 by Evangelina Vigil-Pinon As
It Is with Strangers by Susan Beth Pfeffer B.
Wordsworth by V.S. Naipaul The
Base Stealer by Robert Francis The
Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant by W. D. Wetherell The
Beautiful Changes by Richard Wilbur Bishop
Berkeley or Mariana of the Universe by Liliana Heker The
Black Snake by Mary Oliver A
Blessing by James Wright Blues
Ain't No Mockin Bird by Toni Cade Bambara Bones
by Sadru Kassam Bread
by Margaret Atwood A
Bus Along St. Clair: December by Margaret Atwood The
Car We Had to Push by James Thurber Catch
the Moon by Judith Ortiz Cofer The
Censors by Luisa Valenzuela Chee's
Daughter by Juanita Platero and Siyowin Miller Chief
Sekoto Holds Court by Bessie Head The
Child Is the Master by Robert Horn Choice:
A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Alice Walker Civil
Peace by Chinua Achebe Civilian
and Soldier by Wole Soyinka Clouds
on the Sea by Ruth Dallas Colombia's
Mortal Agony by George Russell Constantly
risking absurdity by Lawrence Ferlinghetti Contents
of the Dead Man's Pocket by Jack Finney Counting
the Beats by Robert Graves Day
of the Butterfly by Alice Munro Dead
Men's Path by Chinua Achebe Defining
the Grateful Gesture by Yvonne Sapia Delicious
Death by Alma Luz Villanueva Desmet,
Idaho, March 1969 by Janet Campbell Hale Dichos
by Américo Paredes Do
Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas El
Olvido (Segun las Madres) by Judith Ortiz Cofer Elena
by Pat Mora Embroidering:
A Response to "Somnad" by Carl Larsson by Rita Magdaleno Emily
Dickinson by Lucha Corpi Encounter
by Czeslaw Milosz The
Explorer by Gwendolyn Brooks Fable
by Octavio Paz Father's
Bedroom by Robert Lowell Fern
Hill by Dylan Thomas Field
Trip by Naomi Shihab Nye First
Lesson by Phillip Booth Fishing
by Joy Harjo The
Flat of the Land by Diana García The
Floral Apron by Marilyn Chin Follower
by Seamus Heaney For
Georgia O'Keeffe by Pat Mora For
Poets by Al Young The
Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower by Dylan Thomas Foreign
Ways by Diana Chang Frederick
Douglass by Robert Hayden Freeway
280 by Lorna Dee Cervantes From
A Cat's Garden of Verses: by Robert Louis Stevenson's Cat by Henry Beard The
Funeral by Gordon Parks Game
by Donald Barthelme Games
at Twilight by Anita Desai Gaston
by William Saroyan Geometry
by Rita Dove The
Gift in Wartime by Tran Mong Tu "Good
Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning" by Alice Walker Half
a Day by Naguib Mahfouz A
Handful of Dates by Tayed Salih The
Handsomest Drowned Man in the World by Gabrial García Márquez Heaven
by Cathy Song He-y,
Come on Ou-t! by Shinichi Hoshi Horses
by Pablo Neruda Horses
Graze by Gwendolyn Brooks The
House/La Casa by Maria Herrera-Sobek A
House for Us by Etidal Osman I
Am Offering This Poem by Jimmy Santiago Baca I
Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Island
by Albert Wendt Islands
by Nicholas Hasluck I've
Seen the Promised Land by Martin Luther King Jr. from
Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane from
Kaffir Boy in America by Mark Mathabane Kitchens
by Aurora Levins Morales The
Leap by Louise Erdrich let
my spirit fly in time by Sandra María Esteves Let's
Sweat! by Nikki Giovanni Like
the Sun by R. K. Narayan Lineage
by Margaret Walker Living
Well. Living Good. by Maya Angelou Lot's
Wife by Wislawa Szymborska Love
Orange by Olive Senior Lullaby
by Leslie Marmon Silko Making
a Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye Mammie's
Form at the Post Office by E. A. Markham Marked
by Carmen Tafolla from
A Match to the Heart by Gretel Ehrlich The
Meadow Mouse by Theodore Roethke A
Mild Attack of Locusts by Doris Lessing Mirror
by Sylvia Plath Miss
Rosie by Lucille Clifton Missing
You by Shu Ting Moana
by Kauraka Kauraka Most
Satisfied by Snow by Diana Chang A
Motto from Poets: Leave Stone by Roberto Fernández Retamar Municipal
Gum by Oodgeroo Noonuccal Musée
des Beaux Arts by W. H. Auden Mushrooms
by Margaret Atwood My
Country by Zindziswa Mandela My
Mother Combs My Hair by Chita Banerjee Divakaruni My
Mother Pieced Quilts by Teresa Palomo Acosta My
Poetry/Mi Poesía by María Herrera-Sobek The
Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus The
Names of Women by Louise Erdich Naming
Myself by Barbara Kingsolver Naming
of Parts by Henry Reed from
Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat Nineteen
Thirty-Seven by Edwidge Danticat The
Nonrevolutionaries by Yu-Wol Chong-Nyon Not
Waving but Drowning by Stevie Smith Ode
to My Socks by Pablo Neruda Of
Dry Goods and Black Bow Ties by Yoshiko Uchida from
Omeros by Derek Walcott from
On Keeping a Notebook by Joan Didion One
Perfect Rose by Dorothy Parker Only
Daughter by Sandra Cisneros The
Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry People
Who Want to Sue Me by Evelyn Waugh A
Personal Opinion About Gray by Shuntaro Tanikawa Pizza
in Warsaw, Torte in Prague by Slavenka Drakulic A
Poet's Job by Alma Luz Villanueva The
Portrait by Tomás Rivera Prayer
to the Pacific by Leslie Marmon Silko Pretty
by Stevie Smith Prime
Time by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The
Prisoner Who Wore Glasses by Bessie Head Prologue
by Edward Field Purchase
by Naomi Long Madgett Rain
Music by Longhang Nguyen Rainforest
by Judith Wright The
Reading by Gabriel Gbadamosi Remember
by Joy Harjo The
Return by Ngugi wa Thiong'o Riding
the Elevator into the Sky by Anne Sexton River
Light by Yasushi Inoue Rules
of the Game by Amy Tan Salvador
Late or Early by Sandra Cisneros Scanning
the Heavens for Signs of Life by William J. Broad Se
me enchina el cuerpo al oír tu cuento by Norma Elia Cantú The
Second Tree from the Corner by E. B. White The
Secret by Denise Levertov The
Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber The
Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke A
Shocking Accident by Graham Greene Simile
by N. Scott Momaday Snow
by Julia Alvarez Son
by John Updike Song
For My Name by Linda Hogan Song
of Peace by Hwang Tonggyu Sonnet
LX by Pablo Neruda A
Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury The
Space by Gary Soto Speaking
by Simon J. Ortiz Spring
over the City by Anne Hébert from
Stay Alive, My Son by Pin Yathay from
Stride Toward Freedom by Martin Luther King Jr. The
Sun Witness by Nurunnessa Choudhury Sweet
Potato Pie by Eugenia Collier A
Swimming Lesson by Jewelle L. Gomez Taaroa
by Anonymous from
Tales of the Islands by Derek Walcott Telephone
Conversation by Wole Soyinka That's
All by Harold Pinter Those
Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden Thoughts
of Hanoi by Nguyen Thi Vinh Thoughts
on the African-American Novel by Toni Morrison Through
the Tunnel by Doris Lessing Tía
Chucha by Luois Rodriguez Tiger
Year by Laura Iwasaki Time
by Gabriela Mistral To
the Foot from Its Child by Pablo Neruda The
Train from Rhodesia by Nadine Gordimer Traveling
Through the Dark by William Stafford from
Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck The
Trojans by Constantine Cavafy The
Tucson Zoo by Lewis Thomas Two
Kinds by Amy Tan Two
Sheep by Janet Frame The
Universe by May Swenson Village
People by Bessie Head Visit
to a Small Planet by Gore Vidal The
Voter by Chinua Achebe The
Wagon by Khalida Asghar A
Walk to the Jetty: from Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid Walking
by Linda Hogan Wanderer
by Joan Fallert from
The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday We
Are Many by Pablo Neruda Weaver
by Sandra Maria Esteves The
Weed by Amrita Pritam The
Welder by Cherrie Moraga What
I Expected by Stephen Spender What
Is and Ain't Grammatical Dave Barry When
Greek Meets Greek by Samuel Selvon from
When Heaven and Earth Changed Places: from Fathers and Daughters by Le Ly
Hayslip Where
Are Those Songs? by Micere Githae Mugo who
are you, little i by E. E. Cummings Wind
by Ted Hughes The
Winner by Barbara Kimenye With
All Flags Flying by Anne Tyler from
The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston The
World Is Not a Pleasant Place to Be by Nikki Giovanni The
World, My Friends, My Enemies, You, and the Earth by Nazim Hikmet You
Are Now Entering the Human Heart by Janet Frame You
Will Forget by Chenjerai Hove