 |  Consumers Eric Arnould,
University of Nebraska George Zinkhan,
University of Georgia Linda Price,
University of Nebraska
Consumer Satisfaction
Internet Exercises- Avon sells cosmetics and other products through its independent sales representatives
(agents) and also through a catalog (both on-line and in print). Review the
Avon web site at www.avon.com. Do you think
that Avon's independent sales representatives would view the site as competing
for their customers' purchases and a source of conflict, or would they think
it helps them promote the product and garners better customer satisfaction?
Explain your answer.
- Most consumers do not make formal complaints about their dissatisfaction.
Those that do can direct their complaints to a variety of places. Visit the
Better Business Bureau at www.bbb.com. Review
the Better Business Bureau on-line Complaint Form. Print out a copy of this
form. Think of a real product that you purchased recently and found to be
unsatisfactory. Practice filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
- The University of Michigan comprehensively tracks customer satisfaction
by industry sector and by U.S. governmental department. Visit their website
at www.bus.umich.edu/research/nqrc.
Click on "American Customer Satisfaction Index." Click on "Retail
& Finance/Insurance Scores/Commentary." Review the performance of
RETAIL overall and specifically Department and Discount Stores. Report your
findings to the class and discuss your thoughts as a consumer for the
overall scoring (+/- %) of Department and Discount Stores.