Indicate in the space provided whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 |  |  All good citizens are citizens that vote. Therefore, since some good citizens are immigrant citizens, some immigrant citizens are not citizens that vote. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
2 |  |  All soccer players are athletes. All members of the team are soccer players. So all members of the team are athletes. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
3 |  |  No Democrats are Libertarians. Some Libertarians are not conservatives. So, some conservatives are not Democrats. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
4 |  |  All advocates of the death penalty are pacifists. Thus, since all advocates of the death penalty are academics, all academics are pacifists. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
5 |  |  No bookies are hitmen. Some hitmen are drug traffickers. So, some drug traffickers are not bookies. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
6 |  |  No scientists are astrologers. All psychics are scientists. So, some psychics are not astrologers. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
7 |  |  Some used car salesmen are cheats. Some cheats are bankers. Therefore, some bankers are used car salesmen. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
8 |  |  No activists are anarchists. Some revolutionaries are anarchists. So, some revolutionaries are not activists. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
9 |  |  No great writers are apathetic writers. All apathetic writers are narcissistic writers. Hence, no narcissistic writers are great writers. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
10 |  |  No accountants are music majors. Some accountants are belly dancers. Thus, some belly dancers are not music majors. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |