|  Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction To Tests and Measurement, 5/e Ronald Jay Cohen Mark Swerdlik
Historical, Cultural, and Legal/Ethical Considerations
Confidentiality | The ethical obligation of professionals to keep confidential all communications made or entrusted to them in confidence. Professionals may be compelled to disclose such confidential communications under court order or other extraordinary conditions, such as when such communications refer to a third party in imminent danger; contrast with privacy right.
|  |  |  | Culture | The socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, and products of work of a particular population, community, or group of people, 44
|  |  |  | Duty to warn | A legally mandated obligation to advise an endangered third party of their peril that may override patient privilege. Therapists and assessors may have a legal duty to warn when a client expresses intent to hurt a third party in any way, ranging from physical violence to disease transmission, 69, 423
|  |  |  | Ethics | A body of principles of right, proper, or good conduct; contrast with laws, 53
|  |  |  | Informed consent | Permission to proceed with a (typically) diagnostic, evaluative, or therapeutic service on the basis of knowledge about the service and its risks and potential benefits, 67
|  |  |  | Laws | Rules that individuals must obey because they are deemed to be good for society as a whole; contrast with ethics, 52