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Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays, 4/e
Judith Stanford, Rivier College

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Edith Wharton:
A)Was born in France
B)Was unmarried
C)Was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1921
D)Attended Yale University
E)Was renowned for her depictions of Italian society

The setting of "Roman Fever" is:
A)The Coliseum
B)The Palatine
C)A terrace of a Roman restaurant
D)A parapet
E)A restaurant in Florence

Which of the following authors was a close friend of Edith Wharton's?
A)T.S. Eliot
B)Virginia Woolf
C)Kate Chopin
D)Henry James
E)James Joyce

In "Roman Fever," why does Mrs. Slade say she sent Mrs. Ansley a secret note?
A)To kill her
B)To get her out of the way so she could be sure of Delphin's feeling for her
C)To humiliate her
D)To destroy her feelings for Delphin
E)To prove her betrayal

What did Mrs. Ansley do after receiving the letter that Mrs. Slade did not expect?
A)She burned it.
B)She cried.
C)She wrote back to D.S.
D)She got married the next day.
E)She disappeared.