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Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays, 4/e
Judith Stanford, Rivier College

Evaluating in Context

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This link to an exhibit of paintings by Edvard Munch inspired by Ibsen's plays includes a portrait of Ibsen. Munch wrote: ""No picture has left an impression equal to a few pages from an Ibsen drama." What-if anything-does Munch's portrait of Ibsen reveal about Ibsen's personality? Read the accompanying text to know more about the incident that prompted the painting.

This link reveals fascinating facts about the composition of A Doll's House, including a real-life story that closely parallels the experiences of Nora and Torvald in the play. Does knowing that Ibsen based his play on real-life events alter your appreciation in any way? Do you think his use of an actual situation made his representation more life-like?

Here is a link to current performances of Ibsen's plays, including A Doll's House. Are any of the productions in cities near you? What aspects of A Doll's House might be understood differently by people in different cultures and communities?