West Intro Comm Theory
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application, 2/e

Richard L. West, University of Southern Maine-Gorham
Lynn H. Turner, Marquette University

ISBN: 0767430344
Copyright year: 2004

Feature Summary

  • NEW! New chapter on Medium Theory (#24) as per reviewers' request for more mass communication theories.
  • NEW! New pedagogy. T.A.G. (theory application in groups) gives a question for small groups to consider in every chapter.
  • NEW! Section openers have been added to introduce each Part of the text.
  • NEW! New material added to every existing chapter to introduce students to the most useful and up-to-date research and theory.
  • NEW! Running glossary throughout the text.
  • 25 theories covered in discrete chapters.
  • Each theory is presented in a consistent format (vignette, introduction, assumptions, core concepts, and critique), providing continuity for the student and allowing for a more balanced presentation of the theories.
  • Each chapter begins with an extended example (the vignette) that demonstrates how communication theory plays out in everyday life.
  • Part I, "Setting the Stage," defines communication, gives students an understanding of the history of the discipline, covers the basics of what makes theory, and outlines the role that research plays in the development of theories.
  • The text includes several types of pedagogy, including Theory into Practice (TIP) boxes (i.e., inserts that relate theory to everyday life), research notes (i.e., relevant abstracts from research articles and essays), "discussion starters," "terms for review," and a glossary.

West/Turner, Introducing Communication Theory, 2/e

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