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Core Concepts in Health Cover Image
Core Concepts in Health, 9/e
Paul M. Insel, Stanford University School of Medicine
Walton T. Roth, Stanford University School of Medicine

Cardiovascular Health

cardiovascular disease (CVD)  The collective term for various forms of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
pulmonary circulation  The part of the circulatory system governed by the right side of the heart; the circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs.
systemic circulation  The part of the circulatory system governed by the left side of the heart; the circulation of blood between the heart and the rest of the body.
atria  The two upper chambers of the heart in which blood collects before passing to the ventricles; also called auricles.
vena cava  The large vein through which blood is returned to the right atrium of the heart.
ventricles  The two lower chambers of the heart from which blood flows through arteries to the lungs and other parts of the body.
aorta  The large artery that receives blood from the left ventricle and distributes it to the body.
systole  Contraction of the heart.
diastole  Relaxation of the heart.
veins  Vessels that carry blood to the heart.
arteries  Vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
coronary arteries  Two arteries branching from the aorta that provide blood to the heart muscle.
capillaries  Very small blood vessels that distribute blood to all parts of the body.
platelets  Microscopic disk-shaped cell fragments in the blood that disintegrate on contact with foreign objects and release chemicals that are necessary for the formation of blood clots.
hypertension  Sustained abnormally high blood pressure.
atherosclerosis  A form of CVD in which the inner layers of artery walls are made thick and irregular by plaque deposits; arteries become narrow and blood supply is reduced.
low-density lipoproteins (LDL)  Blood fat that transports cholesterol from the liver to organs and tissues; excess is deposited on artery walls, where it can eventually block the flow of blood to the heart and brain; "bad" cholesterol.
high-density lipoprotein (HDL)  Blood fat that helps transport cholesterol out of the arteries and thus protects against heart diseases; "good" cholesterol.
plaque  A deposit of fatty (and other) substances on the inner wall of the arteries.
*coronary heart disease (CHD)  Heart disease caused by atherosclerosis in the arteries that supply oxygen to the heart muscle; also called coronary artery disease.
*heart attack  Damage to, or death of, heart muscle, sometimes resulting in a failure of the heart to deliver enough blood to the body, also known as a cardial infarction (MI).
coronary thrombosis  A clot in a coronary artery, often causing sudden death.
angina pectoris  A condition in which the heart muscle does not receive enough blood, causing severe pain in the chest and often in the left arm and shoulder.
arrhythmia  A change in the normal pattern of the heartbeat.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)  A technique involving mouth-to-mouth breathing and chest compression to keep oxygen flowing to the brain.
electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)  A test to detect abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity in the heart.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  A computerized imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio frequency signals to examine a thin cross section of the body; also known as nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR).
angiogram  A picture of the arterial system taken after injecting a dye that is opaque to X rays; also called arteriogram.
balloon angioplasty  A technique in which a catheter with a balloon on the tip is inserted into an artery; the balloon is then inflated at the point of obstruction in the artery, pressing the plaque against the artery wall to improve blood supply; also known as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA).
coronary bypass surgery  Surgery in which a vein is grafted from a point above to a point below an obstruction in a coronary artery, improving the blood supply to the heart.
stroke  An impeded blood supply to some part of the brain resulting in the destruction of brain cells; also called cerebrovascular accident.
*thrombus  A blood clot in a blood vessel that usually occurs at the point of its formation.
embolus  A blood clot that breaks off from its place of origin in a blood vessel and travels through the bloodstream.
aneurysm  A sac formed by a distention or dilation of the artery wall.
transient ischemic attack (TIA)  A small stroke; usually a temporary interruption of blood supply to the brain, causing numbness or difficulty with speech.
computed tomography (CT)  The use of computerized X ray images to create a cross-sectional depiction (scan) of tissue density.
pulmonary edema  The accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
congestive heart failure  A condition resulting from the heart's inability to pump out all the blood that returns to it; blood backs up in the veins leading to the heart, causing an accumulation of fluid in various parts of the body.
congenital heart disease  A defect or malformation of the heart or its major blood vessels, present at birth.
rheumatic fever  A disease, mainly of children, characterized by fever, inflammation, and pain in the joints; often damages the heart muscle.
sudden cardiac death  A nontraumatic, unexpected death from sudden cardiac arrest, most often due to arrhythmia; in most instances, victims have underlying heart disease.
ischemic stroke  Impeded blood supply to the brain caused by the obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot.
hemorrhagic stroke  Impeded blood supply to the brain caused by the rupture of a blood vessel.
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  An inherited condition in which there is an enlargement of the heart muscle, especially between the two ventricles.
mitral valve prolapse  A condition in which the mitral valve "billows" out during ventricular condition, possible allowing leakage of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium; often asymptomatic and usually only requiring treatment in cases of significant leakage.
glycemic index  A measure of how the ingestion of a particular food affects blood glucose levels.