 |  Contemporary's GED Social Studies Kenneth Tamarkin Jeri W. Bayer
Contemporary's GED Preparation MaterialsBelow is a complete listing of Contemporary's GED materials, along with brief descriptions and variations. Click on a title to receive additional information about a particular text or series.
Assessment Program for the GED
 (9.0K) | Now You Have a Choice! This GED testing system integrates two full-length diagnostic and two half-length predictor tests for the 2002 GED. Prescriptions, correct answers with explanations, instructions on administering the tests, and GED score conversion charts are provided in the Administrator’s Guide. The Universal Answer Sheet Booklet can be scored by hand, with a scanner, or with Contemporary’s Scoring Templates. |
Full-Length Diagnostic Form CD1 (5 Pack) | 0-07-282212-0 | Full-Length Diagnostic Form CD2 (5 Pack) | 0-07-282214-7 | Half-Length Predictor Form CP1 (5 Pack) | 0-07-282216-3 | Half-Length Predictor Form CP2 (5 Pack) | 0-07-282220-1 | Administrator’s Guide with Scoring Templates | 0-07-282208-2 | Universal Answer Sheet Booklet (25 Pack) | 0-07-282210-4 | QuickScan Software for Windows (CD-ROM) | 0-07-282222-8 |