Patient Exercise Sheets
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Patient Exercise Sheets

Ann Gates

ISBN: 1121850928
Copyright year: 2013

Table of contents

  1. Exercise for 19-64 year olds
  2. Exercise for 5-18 year old exercises
  3. Exercising with Alzheimer’s disease
  4. Exercising with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  5. Exercising with Anaemia
  6. Exercising with an Aneurysm
  7. Exercising with Anxiety and depression
  8. Exercising with Arial fibrillation
  9. Exercising with Asthma
  10. Exercising with Bowel Cancer
  11. Exercising with a Brain Injury
  12. Exercising with Breast Cancer
  13. Exercising with Cancer
  14. Exercising with Cerebral Palsy
  15. Exercising with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  16. Exercising with Coronary Artery Disease
  17. Exercising with Cystic Fibrosis
  18. Exercising with Dementia
  19. Exercising with Diabetes – Type 1 insulin dependent
  20. Exercising with Diabetes – Type 2
  21. Exercising with Dizziness and Balance Disorders
  22. Exercising with Eczema
  23. Exercising with Epilepsy
  24. Exercising with Chronic Kidney Disease
  25. Exercising to Reduce Falls
  26. Exercising with Fibromyalgia
  27. Exercising with Frailty
  28. Exercising with Hearing Loss
  29. Exercising with Heart Failure
  30. Exercising with Hyperlipidemia
  31. Exercising with Hypertension
  32. Exercising with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  33. Exercising with Irritable bowel
  34. Exercising with Lower Back Pain
  35. Exercising and the Menopause
  36. Exercising with Migraine
  37. Exercising with Multiple Sclerosis
  38. Exercising with Muscular Dystrophy
  39. Exercising and Obesity
  40. Exercising with Osteoarthritis
  41. Exercising with Osteoporosis
  42. Exercising for older adults (over 64 years)
  43. Exercising with Pain
  44. Exercising with Parkinson’s Disease
  45. Exercising with Peripheral Arterial Disease
  46. Exercising with Post - Polio Syndrome
  47. Exercising in Pregnancy
  48. Exercising with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  49. Exercising with Schizophrenia
  50. Exercising with Sleep Problems
  51. Exercising with a Stoma
  52. Exercising with Stroke
  53. Exercising after Total Hip Replacement
  54. Exercising with Total Knee Replacement
  55. Exercising with Valvular Disease
  56. Exercising with Visual Impairment
  57. Exercising and Weight Loss
Patient Exercise Sheets 1e

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