assignable variation | In process output, a variation whose cause can be identified.
attributes | Generate data that are counted.
c-chart | Control chart for attributes, used to monitor the number of defects per unit.
control chart | A time-ordered plot of sample statistics, used to distinguish between random and nonrandom variability.
control limits | The dividing lines between random and nonrandom deviations from the mean of the distribution.
inspection | Appraisal of goods or services.
mean control chart | Control chart used to monitor the central tendency of a process.
p-chart | Control chart for attributes, used to monitor the proportion of defective items in a process.
process capability | The inherent variability of process output relative to the variation allowed by the design specification.
process variability | Natural or inherent variability in a process.
quality control | A process that evaluates output relative to a standard and takes corrective action when output doesn't meet standards.
quality of conformance | A product or service conforms to specifications.
random variation | Natural variation in the output of a process, created by countless minor factors.
range control chart | Control chart used to monitor process dispersion.
run | Sequence of observations with a certain characteristic.
run test | A test for randomness
specifications | A range of acceptable values established by engineering design or customer requirements.
statistical process control | Statistical evaluation of the output of a process.
Type I error | Concluding a process is not in control when it actually is.
Type II error | Concluding a process is in control when it is not.
variables | Generate data that are measured.