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Assignment model  A linear programming model for optimal assignment of tasks and resources.
Backward scheduling  Scheduling backward from a due date.
Finite loading  Jobs are assigned to work centers taking into account the work center capacity and job processing times.
Flow-shop scheduling  Scheduling for flow systems.
Flow system  High-volume system in which jobs all follow the same sequence.
Forward scheduling  Scheduling ahead from a point in time.
Gantt chart  Chart used as visual aid for loading and scheduling purposes.
Hungarian method  Method of assigning jobs by a one-forone matching to identify the lowest-cost solution.
Infinite loading  Jobs are assigned to work centers without regard to the capacity of the work center.
Input/output (I/O) control  Managing work flow and queues at work centers.
Job-shop scheduling  Scheduling for low-volume systems with many variations in requirements.
Job time  Time needed for setup and processing of a job.
Johnson's rule  Technique for minimizing makespan for a group of jobs to be processed on two machines or at two work centers.
Load chart  A Gantt chart that shows the loading and idle times for a group of machines or list of departments.
Loading  The assignment of jobs to processing centers.
Makespan  Total time needed to complete a group of jobs from the beginning of the first job to the completion of the last job.
Priority rules  Simple heuristics used to select the order in which jobs will be processed.
Schedule chart  A Gantt chart that shows the orders or jobs in progress and whether they are on schedule.
Scheduling  Establishing the timing of the use of equipment, facilities, and human activities in an organization.
Sequencing  Determining the order in which jobs at a work center will be processed.
Workstation  An area where one or a few workers and/or machines perform similar work.
Yield management  The application of pricing strategies to allocate capacity among various categories of demand.

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