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Activities  Project steps that consume resources and/or time.
Activity-on-arrow (AOA)  Network diagram convention in which arrows designate activities.
Activity-on-node (AON)  Network diagram convention in which nodes designate activities.
Beta distribution  Used to describe the inherent variability in activity time estimates.
CPM  Critical path method, for planning and coordinating large projects.
Crash  Shortening activity durations.
Critical activities  Activities on the critical path.
Critical path  The longest path; determines expected project duration.
Deterministic  Time estimates that are fairly certain.
Events  The starting and finishing of activities, designated by nodes in the AOA convention.
Independence  Assumption that path duration times are independent of each other; requiring that activity times be independent, and that each activity is on only one path.
Most likely time  The most probable length of time that will be required.
Network (precedence) diagram  Diagram of project activities that shows sequential relationships by use of arrows and nodes.
Optimistic time  The length of time required under optimal conditions.
Path  A sequence of activities that leads from the starting node to the finishing node.
PERT  Program evaluation and review technique, for planning and coordinating large projects.
Pessimistic time  The length of time required under the worst conditions.
precedence diagram  Diagram of project activities that shows sequential relationships by use of arrows and nodes.
probabilistic  Estimates of times that allow for variation.
project champion  A person who promotes and supports a project.
projects  Unique, one-time operations designed to accomplish a specific set of objectives in a limited time frame.
slack  Allowable slippage for a path; the difference between the length of a path and the length of the critical path.
virtual project teams  Some or all of the team members are geographically separated.
work breakdown structure (WBS)  A hierarchical listing of what must be done during a project.

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