Power System Analysis
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Table of Contents
About the Authors
Book Preface
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Power System Analysis

John Grainger
William Stevenson
Gary Chang

ISBN: 1259008355
Copyright year: 2016

About the Authors

Gary W. Chang obtained his Electrical Engineering Diploma from the National Taipei Institute of Technology, Taiwan, in 1982, and the MSEE and PhD degrees from the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and the University of Texas at Austin in 1988 and 1994, respectively.

   Between 1994 and 1995, Dr. Chang worked as a consultant in California, USA and was engaged in the Electric Power Research Institute’s Power Quality and Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Distribution Automation projects. He was with Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution, LLC, Minnesota, USA, from 1995 to 1998 and was in charge of resource scheduling functions of energy management system projects for electric utilities worldwide. Dr. Chang joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National Chung Cheng University in August 1998 and became a Full Professor in 2005. He holds the Distinguished Professorship at the same institute since 2010.

   Dr. Chang is active in both the academia and industry. He has published numerous archival journal and international conference papers, as well as technical reports and tutorial chapters, mainly in the field of Electric Power Engineering. He also serves as an editor for several international journals related to Electric Power Engineering. Dr. Chang is a past Chair of the IEEE Power and Energy Society Taipei Chapter and has served in various leading positions in the Power Quality Subcommittee and in the Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power and Energy Society since 2001. He is an IEEE Fellow and a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Minnesota, USA.

John J. Grainger is a Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University. He is a graduate of the National University of Ireland and received his M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

   Dr. Grainger is the founding Director of the Electric Power Research Center at North Carolina State University, a joint university/industry cooperative research center in electric power systems engineering. He leads the Center’s major research programs in transmission and distribution systems planning, design, automation, and control areas, as well as power system dynamics.

   Professor Grainger also taught at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, The Illinois Institute of Technology, Marquette University, and North Carolina State University. His industrial experience has been with the Electricity Supply Board of Ireland; Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago; Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Milwaukee; and Carolina Power & Light Company, Raleigh. Dr. Grainger is an active consultant with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco; Southern California Edison Company, Rose-mead; and many other power industry organizations. His educational and technical involvements include the IEEE Power and Energy Society, The American Society of Engineering Education, the American Power Conference, the International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), and the Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE).

   Dr. Grainger is the author of numerous papers in the IEEE Power and Energy Engineering Society’s Transactions and was recognized by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee for the 1985 Prize Paper Award. In 1984, Professor Grainger was chosen by the Edison Electric Institute for the EEI Power Engineering Educator Award.

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