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Study/Lecture Outline
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Study/Lecture Outline - make your own notes

I. Self-Concept

  1. Self-Enhancement & Self-Verification
  2. Self-Evaluation
    1. Self-esteem
    2. Self-efficacy
    3. Locus of Control
  3. The Social Self
    1. Social identity theory

II. Perceiving the World Around us

  1. Problems with Selective Attention
  2. Perceptual Organization and Interpretation

III. Specific Perceptual Process & Problems

  1. Stereotyping
  2. Attribution Theory
    1. Internal vs. External Attribution
    2. Attribution Errors (2)
  3. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy – 4 Parts
  4. Other Perceptual Effects (4)

IV. Improving Perceptions

  1. The Johari Window
  2. Meaningful Interaction

Developing Perceptions across Borders

  1. Developing a Global Mindset

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