Louise Burke PHD, BSC, GRAD DIP DIET, FSMA, FACSM, OAM, APD Louise has been the Head of the Department of Sports Nutrition at the Australian Institute of
Sport since 1990 and has nearly 35 years of experience in counselling and educating athletes.
She holds a Chair in Sports Nutrition within the Mary McKillop Institute for Health Research at
the Australian Catholic University, and is a Director of the International Olympic Committee’s
Diploma in Sports Nutrition. Her research interests include dietary periodisation for training and
competition performance, post-exercise recovery, nutritional ergogenic aids, carbohydrate and
fat metabolism during exercise, and fluid needs in sport. Louise has produced a number of education resources for athletes, coaches, students and
practitioners, including best selling books. She was appointed as the Dietitian to the Australia
Olympic Team for the 1996-2012 Summer Olympic Games, and is a Fellow of Sports Dietitians
Australia, Sports Medicine Australia and the American College of Sports Medicine. In 2009 she
received a Citation Award from the American College of Sports Medicine and the Medal of the
Order of Australia (OAM) from the Australian Government in recognition of her work in sports
nutrition. Vicki Deakin MSC (RESEARCH), BSC, DIP T, GRAD DIP NUTR DIET, APD Vicki, now semi-retired, is an Adjunct Associate Professor and was former Head of Nutrition and
Dietetics at the University of Canberra, where she initiated the undergraduate and postgraduate
courses in Nutrition and Dietetics and in Sports Nutrition. Her involvement with elite athletes
dates back to her initiation of the nutrition services at the Australian Institute of Sport in 1985 and
her ongoing role as Nutrition Performance Manager at the ACT Academy of Sport. Vicki continues to mentor students and young professionals and provide input into not-for-profit organisations that advocate for increasing physical activity in the community. Her research
interests include iron deficiency, dietary survey methods, and determining barriers and facilitators
that affect food choice and physical activity behaviours in different population groups. |