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Grid and Cloud Computing: A Research Monograph

Dharanipragada Janakiram

ISBN: 9339221478
Copyright year: 2016

Classic time-tested reference text traces the complete evolution and progress of models of computation from clusters to grid to cloud computing. Result of interesting journey of evolution of these models of computing in the past 20 years at Distributed and Object Systems Lab at institutes like IIT, Madras are the subject of this monograph capture the developments and breakthrough in the field. This book primarily an aid for researchers working in the areas of grid and cloud computing and it also carries the software systems developed for these models which can be used for developing various distributed applications including scientific applications.

Salient Features:

Covers the wide spectrum of computing models from cluster to grid to cloud computing. It includes the important topics:

  • Anonymous Remote Computing (ARC): A programming model that provides a platform to enable sequential and parallel loads to coexist in a cluster environment.
  • VIshwa: A peer-­‐peer grid computing model where nodes running heterogeneous operating systems (linux and windows) can join a voluntary grid computing system for executing parallel programs.
  • GMR : An extension to Map-­‐Reduce cloud computation model to capture iterative computations with a shared distributed data structure.
  • Cloud Bursting Algorithms: Algorithms for scheduling tasks over hybrid clouds consisting of internal cloud (ic) and external cloud (ec) infrastructure.

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