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Working With Text

Entering text into the question fields using the Rich Text editor is as easy as using your word processor. However, there are few notable items to be aware of.

Line Break vs. Paragraph Break

By default when you press the enter key to create spacing between lines of text, the Rich Text Editor is inserting line breaks rather than paragraph breaks. To create a new paragraph, you need to type SHIFT+ENTER.

With this in mind, if you change the alignment of a block of text and you do not create a paragraph break using SHIFT+ ENTER, the alignment will affect both blocks of text.
Thus, to apply one alignment to one block of text and another alignment to another block of text, it will be necessary to use SHIFT+ENTER between those blocks of text.

Spacing Around Graphics

Sometimes when you insert a photo or graphic into your question, it may be too close to the question text. To provide more spacing above or below, insert blank lines as appropriate.

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