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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4/e
Rod R. Seeley, Idaho State University
Philip Tate, Phoenix College
Trent D. Stephens, Idaho State University

Supplement List

There is much more to Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology than this book. Numerous study and teaching aids round out the complete package. Students can order supplemental study materials by contacting the McGraw-Hill Customer Service Department at 800-338-3987. Instructors can obtain teaching aids by calling the Customer Service Department or contacting your McGraw-Hill sales representative.

Online Learning Center The Online Learning Center (OLC) at offers an extensive array of learning and teaching tools. This website includes chapter-specific quizzes and web links, clinical applications, interactive activities, art labeling exercises, case studies, and more. Teaching resources at the instructor site include image and animations libraries, technology resources, clinical applications, case studies, and the Online Instructor's Manual for Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology.

Essential Study Partner for Anatomy and Physiology

This exclusive interactive study tool is accessed via the Online Learning Center. It contains 120 animations and more than 800 learning activities to help students grasp complex concepts. Interactive diagrams and quizzes make learning stimulating and fun.

Available through the Online Learning Center, delivers rich, interactive content to fortify the learning and teaching experience in the life sciences. In addition to over ten thousand animations, images, case studies and video presentations, discussion boards and laboratory exercises foster collaboration and infinite learning and teaching opportunities. contains these specific areas:

The Faculty Club gives new and experienced instructors access to a variety of resources to help increase their effectiveness in lecture, discover groups of instructors with similar interests, and find information on teaching techniques and pedagogy. A comprehensive search feature allows instructors to search for information using a variety of criteria.

The Student Center allows students the opportunity to search BioCourse for information specific to the course area they are studying, or by using specific topics or keywords. Information is also available for many aspects of student life including tips for studying and test taking, surviving the first year of college, and job and internship searches.

BioLabs Laboratory instructors often face a special set of challenges. BioLabs helps address those challenges by providing laboratory instructors and coordinators with a source for basic information on suppliers, best practices, professional organizations and lab exchanges.

Briefing Room is where to go for current news in the life sciences. News feeds from the New York Times, links to prominent journals, commentaries from popular McGraw-Hill authors, and XanEdu journal search service are just a few of the resources you will find here.

The Quad utilizes a powerful indexing and searching tool to provide the user with a guided review of specific course content. Information is available from a variety of McGraw-Hill sources including textbook material, Essential Study Partner modules, Online Learning Centers, and images from Visual Resource Libraries.

R&D Center is the opportunity to see what new textbooks, animations, and simulations we're working on and to send us your feedback. You can also learn about other opportunities to review as well as submit ideas for new projects.

Laboratory Manual

Written by Kevin Patton of St. Charles County Community College, this manual divides the material typically covered in anatomy and physiology labs into 42 subunits. Selection of the subunits and the sequence of their use permits the design of a laboratory course that is integrated with the emphasis and sequence of the lecture material. Basic content is introduced first, and gradually more complex activities are developed. This laboratory manual also contains coloring exercises, boxed hints, safety alerts, separate lab reports, and a full-color histology minireference.

Instructor's Manual for the Laboratory Manual

This online manual is housed within the instructor OLC. It provides all answers to the lab report questions, suggestions on how to use various exercises, materials lists, helpful hints, reagent recipes, and more.


The set of transparency acetates that accompanies the text includes 250 full-color images identified by the authors as the most useful figures to incorporate in lecture presentations.

Instructor's Manual

Accessed via the Online Learning Center, the Instructor's Manual by Margaret Weck of St. Louis College of Pharmacy includes supplemental topics, teaching strategies, and demonstration ideas for your lectures. This manual also provides a listing of relevant transparencies for each text chapter and answers to the Develop Your Reasoning Skills questions.

Test Item File

The Test Item File contains matching, true/false, and essay questions specifically designed to complement each chapter of the text. Instructors using WebCT, Blackboard, or PageOut can access the Test Item File online.


Microtest is a computerized test generator free upon request to qualified adopters. The test generator contains the complete Test Item File on CD-ROM. Requires no programming experience and is designed to work on both Windows and Macintosh platforms.


PageOut is McGraw-Hill's exclusive tool for creating your own website for your A & P course. It requires no knowledge of coding. Simply type your course information into the templates provided. PageOut is hosted by McGraw-Hill.

In addition to the materials specifically designed to accompany Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, McGraw-Hill offers the following supplemental resources to enrich the study and instruction of anatomy and physiology.

Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual-Fetal Pig by Terry R. Martin, Kishwaukee College. Provides excellent full-color photos of the dissected fetal pig with corresponding labeled art. It includes World Wide Web activities for many chapters.

Web-Based Cat Dissection Review for Human Anatomy and Physiology by John Waters, Pennsylvania State University. This online multimedia program contains vivid, high-quality labeled cat dissection photographs. The program helps students easily identify and review the corresponding structures and functions between the cat and the human body.

Dynamic HumanVersion 2.0 A set of two interactive CD-ROMs that cover each body system and demonstrate clinical concepts, histology, and physiology with animated three-dimensional and other images.

Interactive Histology CD-ROM by Bruce Wingerd and Paul Paolini, San Diego State University. This CD containing 135 full-color, high-resolution LM images and 35 SEM images of selected tissue sections typically studied in A&P. Each image has labels that can be clicked on or off, has full explanatory legends, offers views at two magnifications, and has links to study questions. The CD also has a glossary with pronunciation guides.

Life Science Animation VRL 2.0 contains over 200 animations of major biological concepts and processes such as the sliding filament mechanism, active transport, genetic transcription and translation, and other topics that may be difficult for students to visualize.

Life Science Animations 3D Videotape contains 42 key biological processes that are narrated and animated in vibrant full color with dynamic three-dimensional graphics.

Life Science Animations (LSA) videotape series contains 53 animations on five VHS videocassettes; Chemistry, The Cell, and Energetics; Cell Division, Heredity, Genetics, Reproduction, and Development; Animal Biology No. 1; Animal Biology No. 2; and Plant Biology, Evolution, and Ecology. Another available videotape is Physiological Concepts of Life Science.

Atlas to Human Anatomy by Dennis Strete, McLennan Community College and Christopher H. Creek, takes a systems approach with references to regional anatomy, thereby making it a great complement to your regular course structure, as well as to your laboratory.

Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, third edition by Robert and Judith Stone, Suffolk County Community College, is a guide to the structure and function of human skeletal muscles. The illustrations help students locate muscles and understand their actions.

Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology, third editionby Eder et al., is a full-color atlas containing histology, human skeletal anatomy, human muscular anatomy, dissections, and reference tables.

Coloring Guide to Anatomy and Physiology by Robert and Judith Stone, Suffolk County Community College, emphasizes learning through the process of color association. The Coloring Guide provides a thorough review of anatomical and physiological concepts.