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Internet Exercises
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Codes of Conduct.
www.ethicscentre.caExploring Codes of Conduct. Visit the Web site for the Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy ( and peruse the "Resources" link. To read a proposed code of ethics, go to the University of Western Library page at
Read the "International Code of Ethics for Canadian Business," and review the vision, beliefs, values, and principles contained in this code of ethics proposed by the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa.

The concept of avoiding bribery and corruption is mentioned in both the values and the principles. How realistic is this in a global economy? Why or why not?
Does the belief that wealth generation for stakeholders and a fair sharing of economic benefits can be achieved simultaneously seem realistic? Why or why not?
The vision, values, and principles all make reference to environmental protection. In what ways might this priority conflict with valuing wealth maximization for stakeholders? Is there some way to reconcile these beliefs?

Organizational Culture
www.riotintoalcan.comOrganizational Culture. Visit and click on "Our approach" to see how RioTintoAlcan imbues its values into its operations. This chapter focused on the role of values and beliefs in forming an organization's culture. We also discussed how cultures are embedded and reinforced through socialization and mentoring. The topic of organizational culture is big business on the Internet. Many companies use their web pages to describe their mission, vision, and corporate values and beliefs. There also are many consulting companies that advertise how they help organizations to change their cultures. The purpose of this exercise is for you to obtain information pertaining to the organizational culture for two different companies. You can go about this task by very simply searching on the key words "organizational culture" or "corporate vision and values." This search will identify numerous companies for you to use in answering the following questions. You may want to select a company for this exercise that you would like to work for in the future. (For example, Alcan Inc., at .)

What are the organization's espoused values and beliefs?
What methods appear to have been used to embed culture in these organizations?

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