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PowerWeb: Mass Communication
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Dominick:Dynamics of Mass Communication
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age, 7/e
Joseph R. Dominick

The Global Village: International and Comparative Media Systems

Internet Exercises

1. Visit Another Country

Good news, you now have your big chance to go to another country. All expenses are paid, but you must 1) make it an interesting trip, and 2) you must go to a country you have never been before. Go to the web to collect information.

a. What cities and attractions look most interesting?

b. Decide which route you would travel.

c. What facts do you need to know about the country you're visiting?

2. The United Nations

The United Nations now reaches out to people through an elaborate web page. Visit the United Nations ( Find a planned conference and read the documentation they posted to prepare visitors for the event. How could you use this information in a news report or other publication?

3. Newspapers

Select a current issue that has gotten international attention. Find a newspaper in another country. Compare the way they handled the story with the way the American media treated it.