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Dominick:Dynamics of Mass Communication
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age, 7/e
Joseph R. Dominick


Internet Exercises

1. Put a Face with the Station ID

A face for radio? Most people never get to see the DJs from their local station. Find a radio station web site with pictures of the DJs.

2. Different Formats, Different Sites

Compare the web sites of two radio stations with different formats. How do the sites differ? Do they offer different services?

3. Listen to the Radio Online

Listen to an Internet radio station. Open RealPlayer (version 7 or above) and select "radio tuner." This will open a web page where you may select a radio station.

Listen to the station online. How does the quality differ from an over-the-air station? Were you able to find a station you enjoy?

4. Check Out NPR

National Public Radio (NPR) provides programming to Public Radio Stations across America. Use your web browser to explore If you have RealPlayer, listen to some of the shows. How does NPR differ from most radio stations you know?