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cluster sampling  A method of sampling in which clusters of individuals are identified. Clusters are sampled, and then all individuals in each cluster are included in the sample.
confidence interval  An interval of values within which there is a given level of confidence (e.g., 95%) where the population value lies.
haphazard (convenience) sampling  Selecting subjects in a haphazard manner, usually on the basis of availability, and not with regard to having a representative sample of the population; a type of nonprobability sampling.
interviewer bias  Intentional or unintentional influence exerted by an interviewer in such a way that the actual or interpreted behavior of respondents is consistent with the interviewer's expectations.
nonprobability sampling  Type of sampling procedure in which one cannot specify the probability that any member of the population will be included in the sample.
panel study  In survey research, questioning the same people at two or more points in time.
population  The defined group of individuals from which a sample is drawn.
probability sampling  Type of sampling procedure in which one is able to specify the probability that any member of the population will be included in the sample.
quota sampling  A sampling procedure in which the sample is chosen to reflect the numerical composition of various subgroups in the population. A haphazard sampling technique is used to obtain the sample.
response rate  The percentage of people selected for a sample who actually completed a survey.
response set  A pattern of individual response to questions on a self-report measure that is not related to the content of the questions.
sampling  The process of choosing members of a population to be included in a sample.
sampling frame  The individuals or clusters of individuals in a population who might actually be selected for inclusion in the sample.
simple random sampling  A sampling procedure in which each member of the population has an equal probability of being included in the sample.
stratified random sampling  A sampling procedure in which the population is divided into strata followed by random sampling from each stratum.

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