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Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A)Survey research is important as a complement to experimental research findings.
B)Survey data are limited to providing a "snapshot" of how people think or behave at a given point in time.
C)Survey research is an important way to study relationships among variables and ways that behaviors change over time.
D)Surveys can be important for making public policy decisions by public agencies.

If Rolando completed a survey and responded to all the questions in a way that made him look good, this would be an example of __________.
A)"faking bad"
B)social appropriateness
C)a response set
D)the objectivity bias

According to Jourard (1969), when are people most likely to give false answers to research questionnaires or interviews?
A)People are most likely lie when they don't trust the researcher.
B)People tend to lie when there are a lot of questions.
C)People are most likely to lie during oral interviews.
D)People tend to lie most of the time when they answer research questions.

When constructing questions for a survey, what is the first thing the researcher must do?
A)evaluate the participants
B)determine the research objectives
C)buy a dictionary and a thesaurus
D)list any questions that come to mind about a topic

What is the wording problem in the following question? Do you agree with the plan to juxtapose the elementary school and the bus station?
A)ungrammatical sentence structure
B)unfamiliar technical terms or words
C)embedded with misleading information
D)phrasing overloads working memory

With open-ended questions, respondents are _________.
A)free to answer any way they like
B)given a limited number of response alternatives
C)led to respond in one particular way
D)likely to respond either "yea-saying" or "nay-saying"

The __________ is a measure of the meaning of concepts.
A)graphic rating scale
B)confidence rating scale
C)semantic differential scale.
D)theoretical perception scale

Which of the following statements about responses to questions is TRUE?
A)Children do not understand how to answer rating scale questions.
B)A nonverbal scale may help very young children provide ratings.
C)Only open-ended questions should be given children under 12-years of age.
D)All questions seem double-barreled to children under 12-years of age.

Open-ended questions are most useful when the researcher needs to know __________.
A)what people are thinking
B)how people naturally view their world
C)both a and b
D)none of the above

A written questionnaire should __________.
A)look professional and attractive
B)have the most interesting and important questions first
C)make it easy to identify the questions and responses
D)all of the above

Surveys can be administered either using a(an) __________ or a __________ format.
A)interview; written
B)written; graphic
C)verbal; pictorial
D)informal; formal

___________ bias describes all the biases that can arise from the fact that the interviewer is a unique human being.

One way to study changes over time is to conduct a __________ study in which the same people are surveyed at two or more points in time.
D)focus group

Which of the following will reduce the size of a confidence interval?
A)larger sample size
B)better theoretical understanding of the topic
C)complete knowledge of statistics
D)use of qualitative data

With ___________, every member of the population has an equal probability of being selected for the sample.
A)simple random sampling
B)probability sampling
C)stratified random sampling
D)random cluster sampling

Which sampling technique has the advantage of a built-in assurance that the sample will accurately reflect the numerical composition of the various subgroups?
A)simple random sampling
B)probability sampling
C)stratified random sampling
D)random cluster sampling

Which of the following is NOT a form of nonprobability sampling?
A)cluster sampling
B)haphazard sampling
C)quota sampling
D)All of the above.

When response rates are low, there is a greater chance of __________.
A)randomized researcher bias.
B)respondents and nonrespondents being different
C)interviewer bias that distorts the findings
D)response sets by the sampling frame

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