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broadcast footprint  The geographical area in which there is reception from a satellite transmission.
context  The nonverbal elements surrounding a message.
cultural cohort  A group of people from multiple cultures who share a common characteristic.
cultural imperialism  The impact that a dominant culture has on another, less dominant culture.
culture  (1) The learned behaviors of a people that come from traditions passed on from generation to generation. (2) Group values based on traditions and a distinctive history.
developed markets  Markets in which consumption patterns are focused more on wants and desires than on basic needs.
developing markets  Markets in which consumption patterns are clearly expanding from necessities to wants and desires.
domestic marketers  Companies that focus their marketing effort on their home countries (also called national marketers).
global marketers  Companies that consider their market to be just one-the world.
global strategy  See standardization strategy.
high-context culture  A culture in which meaning is determined by nonverbal cues, social relationships, and indirect communication such as metaphors and aphorisms (statements of principles).
localization strategy  An international MC strategy in which brand messages are customized to make them compatible with each country's culture and local needs and wants (also called a multinational strategy).
low-context culture  A culture in which less emphasis is placed on the social context and more emphasis is placed on words, directness, and time (deadlines and schedules).
media convergence  The bringing together of phone, television, and the computer, along with a variety of other new technologies, such as smart cards, pagers, personal digital assistants, and satellite navigational systems.
multinational marketers  Companies that market products in several different countries.
national marketers  See domestic marketers.
standardization strategy  An international MC strategy in which the same basic brand message is used in all countries (also called global strategy).
undeveloped markets  Markets in which consumption patterns remain focused on basic needs.
values  Enduring points of view that a certain way of thinking and behaving is preferable to a different way of thinking and behaving.

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