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1. Can humans today make machines that can "think" and "feel" like humans? If not today, will we see that day?
In recent years, machines have been constructed that have beaten the world's best chess masters. However, no concoction of metal, plastic, and silicon has yet been able to mimic human thinking or feeling . . . but some cognitive psychologists think it's only a matter of time. Indeed, they argue that such efforts might lead to the creation of an intelligence that is more intelligent than humans'.

2. Why is important to be a good critical thinker?
Thinking critically means that you think more deeply and productively, so by becoming a better critical thinker you should be able to adapt more effectively in your world. In a recent book, The Disciplined Mind, Howard Gardner wrote about how many people don't think critically as evidence by the fact that more than 50 percent of the population believes in astrology.

3. Can animals use language to express thought?
TThis question involves an ongoing debate. Researchers agree that animals can communicate with each other and that some can manipulate language-like symbols with syntax that resembles the language of young children. Nonetheless, the language abilities of chimpanzees, dolphins, and other animals do not reveal the same degree of generatively and complexity as adult human language.

4. Are there different types of intelligence or do people just have a general intelligence?
This question continues to be debated but psychologists increasingly believe it is important to acknowledge that people have different types of intelligence and that recognizing this provides a more accurate portrait of their intellectual skills. A healthy controversy about just what those types of intelligence are currently characterizes psychology.

5. Can and should we breed for intelligence?
Sperm banks, such as the Repository for Germinal Choice, try to breed for intelligence, even to the point of having the sperm of Nobel Prize winners available. Such breeding might bring hope for once childless parents but many people believe that using sperm banks to breed children for superior intelligence is too reminiscent of the German gene program of the 1930s and 1940s.

6. How can I become more creative?
Be flexible and playful in your thinking, be internally motivated, be willing to take risks, communicate with creative people, be productive and produce lots of products (many may not be creative but some likely will be), and live a more creative life by spending more time in the settings that most often stimulate your creativity.

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