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The concept of "producer" can mean a person that produces goods or services for sale or a person who supervises and finances the making and public presentation of a play, film, or program. Producer is a(n)
A)disjunctive concept.
B)conjunctive concept.
C)heuristic concept.
D)basic concept.

Of the following, which is the superordinate concept?
D)cruciferous vegetables

Of the following, which is considered a basic concept?
A)sports cars

Which of the following is an example of a prototypical toy?
C)Silly String

When problem solving, what is the first step?
A)Recognizing and eliminating any mental sets.
B)Organizing all the elements of the problem.
C)Carefully defining the problem.
D)Choosing a specific problem-solving strategy.

You studied for your first psychology exam by reading your notes over and over again and earned a C on your exam. You wanted a B. When preparing for your second exam, you studied by reading your notes over and over again and earned a C on the exam. Your inability to approach the problem in a new way is called
A)a confirmation bias.
B)a heuristic.
C)the trial and error method.
D)a mental set.

Regarding human experts, which of the following is true?
A)Compared to the average person, experts have better memories.
B)Experts have a high level of awareness of their errors and promptly correct them.
C)Compared to the average person, experts can analyze problems more rapidly.
D)Experts excel in many areas.

Which activity requires divergent thinking?
A)dividing 564 by 4
B)measuring the square feet in your living room
C)composing a song
D)memorizing the divisions of the human nervous system

A morpheme is
A)the smallest unit of sound in a language.
B)a language rule.
C)an alphabetic letter in a language.
D)the smallest unit of meaning in a language.

Which statement would support the idea that intelligence is a general ability?
A)On average, impoverished environments produce lower IQ scores.
B)If elderly individuals continue to engage in mentally challenging tasks, they experience fewer cognitive deficits.
C)Individuals who excel in mathematics tend to also excel in reading.
D)In brain-injured patients, the abilities that are impacted tend to remain specific to the area of the injury.

Which researcher does not support the idea of multiple intelligences?
A)Charles Spearman
B)Howard Gardner
C)Robert Sternberg
D)J. P. Guilford

According to Sternberg, which cognitive step results in better reasoning when performed slowly and carefully?

On measures of intelligence, a reliable test is one that
A)measures intelligence.
B)predicts performance on other tasks requiring intelligence.
C)was developed using a normative sample.
D)produces approximately the same scores when administered on different occasions by different examiners.

Which skill might be measured in a tacit intelligence test?
A)writing a grammatically correct letter
B)defining a list of words
C)shopping within a specified budget
D)solving a geometry problem

What evidence did Herrnstein and Murray use to argue that society is headed toward "genetic decline?"
A)Increased rates of fetal alcohol syndrome will lead to increasing numbers of children with minimal brain dysfunction.
B)Decreasing academic standards are creating future generations of incapable thinkers.
C)People with inferior intelligence have more children than people of higher intelligence.
D)Intensive neonatal care has lead to increasing numbers of children with borderline IQs.

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