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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The two major components of classroom life that must be attended to and balanced by teachers are the needs of the ________ and the ________.

The most important factor on the social dimension of classroom life is/are ________.
A)personality and individual needs
C)personality and norms
D)the learning community

Which is not a feature of a productive learning community?
A)Students and teachers share common goals.
B)Norms exist for getting academic work done.
C)Students and teachers reflect on past experiences and celebrate accomplishments.
D)All of the above are aspects of a productive learning community.

Billy Ingold got a D for his work in English for the first quarter of seventh grade. His parents promised to buy him a new stereo if he improves his grade to a B in the second quarter. Billy really wanted the stereo and triples his study time in English. He found that he enjoyed reading the books assigned so much that he read two additional pieces of literature published by his favorite author. He got an A for the second quarter. Billy was influenced by ________.
A)intrinsic motivation
B)extrinsic motivation
C)negative reinforcement
D)both A and B

Which of the following represents the best example of intrinsic motivation?
A)Reading a book for the second time because you truly enjoyed it the first time.
B)Working on a crossword puzzle because you are bored.
C)Completing a homework assignment to avoid an incomplete grade.
D)All of the above.

Mr. Tierney, a fourth-grade teacher, notices that one of his brightest students is suddenly disinterested, unmotivated, and disruptive. He finds out that the student's family is going through a financial crisis and is temporarily living in a homeless shelter. Mr. Tierney attributes the change in school behavior to the student's personal stress--he obviously cannot focus on his school work if he is hungry and tired. Mr. Tierney is using which of the following theories to explain the sudden lack of motivation?
A)Reinforcement theory.
B)Needs theory.
C)Social learning theory.
D)Cognitive theory.

The idea that a person's beliefs and attributions about an event, not the event itself, explain one's behavior is based on ________.
A)reinforcement theory
B)needs theory
C)social learning theory
D)cognitive theory

Katelynn is a sixth-grade student who has been studying vigorously for the district spelling bee. She knows her chances of winning are very good because she placed third last year. She wants to win the first prize of $500 so she can afford the class trip to Washington, D.C., at the end of the year. The theory of motivation that best explains Katelynn's willingness to study is ________.
A)reinforcement theory
B)needs theory
C)social learning theory
D)cognitive theory

Dana Bronwyn is a student who has been suspended for cheating in class. The act of suspension is best called ________.
A)a positive reinforcer
B)a negative reinforcer
C)a punishment
D)intrinsic motivation

Cody Solanski is a very bright boy who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is very difficult for him to sit still for long periods of time and he often disrupts the flow of normal classroom life. In attempts to control this, Mr. Redfield sits him in the front corner of the room for a week. During this time, Cody works very hard to demonstrate self-control, and at the end of the week, he is allowed to sit back with the group. This makes him very happy and he tries hard to keep up the good work. Moving him away from the corner and back to the group is an example of ________.
A)a positive reinforcer
B)a negative reinforcer
C)a punishment
D)intrinsic motivation

Gina Cooper initiates a program that rewards students who hand in completed assignments on time for one full month by allowing them to have a pizza party. Homework completion rates increase substantially. The theory that best explains this student behavior is ________.
A)needs theory
B)social learning theory
C)reinforcement theory
D)cognitive theory

Consider the relationship between individuals and their own teammates on a basketball team. How would you characterize the goal structure in this situation?
D)all of the above

Consider the relationship between individuals and their opposing team in a hockey tournament. How would you characterize the goal structure in this situation?
D)both A and B

Miss Gerardi's fifth-grade class members are well versed on the rules regarding turn taking, when to ask questions, and when it is appropriate to speak to the teacher and each other. Miss Gerardi has successfully acclimated her students to classroom ________.
A)participation structures
B)cooperative goal structures
C)cooperative ask structures
D)all of the above

Studies regarding the relationship between classroom environment and motivation show that ________.
A)persistence on learning tasks is primarily a function of student interest and self-control
B)persistence on learning tasks is not typically influenced by the environment in terms of room decor
C)persistence on learning tasks is positively related to environments characterized by respect and caring attitudes
D)all of the above

Teachers are most likely to build productive learning communities by ________.
A)concentrating efforts on factors within their ability to control and influence
B)relying on positive and negative reinforcement to motivate students
C)avoiding overemphasis of intrinsic rewards
D)all of the above

"Mai is really acting up in class. I think this is because she is having some personal problems at home." This comment by a teacher about a student ________.
A)expresses a level of concern, one of the alterable elements that can affect motivation
B)reflects a feeling tone, one of the alterable elements than can affect motivation
C)deals with the student's psychological and social situation--a non-alterable element
D)deals with the student's social class background--a non-alterable element

According to Abraham Maslow, which need would a typical high school student first strive to meet?
A)The need to be popular.
B)The need to feel competent.
C)The need to excel in sports.
D)The need to have sufficient food.

Walter Doyle pointed out that classrooms have six properties that make them complex and demanding systems. If a person used the phrase "living in a fishbowl" to describe a classroom, they would be talking about which of Doyle's properties?

A teacher's attitudes and orientations toward particular learning situations have considerable influence in a classroom. The feeling tone, or manner in which a teacher communicates to a student in an attempt to get work done, has been shown to affect student effort. Which of the following statements best reflects positive feeling tone that would most likely result in students handing in projects on time?
A)"If you can't get the project done by Monday, please try to get it in by Tuesday."
B)"If you do not hand in a project on Monday, you will lose recess privilege."
C)"Do what you can to get the project in on time."
D)"I am looking forward to seeing your projects on Monday."

Teachers can alleviate some of the negative influences of peer pressure and create an environment that meets students' needs for affiliation by ________.
A)initiating competitive reward and goal structures
B)avoiding group activities in an attempt to avoid negative influences
C)focusing on each student individually by determining his/her strengths and weaknesses
D)making sure that students know each others' names and have personal information *about one another

ARends: Learning to TeachOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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