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Guideposts for Study
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Chapter 12: Psychosocial Development in Adolescence
Guidepost 1: How do adolescents form an identity?
Guidepost 2: What determines sexual orientation?
Guidepost 3: What sexual practices are common among adolescents, and what leads some to engage in risky sexual behavior?
Guidepost 4: How common are sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy, and what are the usual outcomes?
Guidepost 5: How typical is "adolescent rebellion"?
Guidepost 6: How do adolescents relate to parents, siblings, and peers?
Guidepost 7: What are the root causes of antisocial behavior and juvenile delinquency, and what can be done to reduce these and other risks of adolescence?

Papalia: Human Development 9Online Learning Center

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