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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which statement about adolescence is not correct?
A)Adolescence is generally considered the beginning of puberty.
B)Before the 20th century, there was no concept of adolescence.
C)Most societies today have some concept about a period of adolescence.
D)Adolescence is a social construction.

The precise time for the burst of hormonal activity that triggers the onset of puberty depends on
A)reaching a critical weight level.
B)the presence of androgens.
C)the presence of estrogen.

The principal sign of sexual maturity in males is the
A)production of sperm.
B)onset of menarche.
C)appearance of facial hair.
D)onset of acne.

Longitudinal studies suggest that pubertal timing for females is connected to
A)girls' relationships with their mothers.
B)girls' relationships with their fathers.
C)the father's Y chromosome.
D)the amount of dysfunction in the girl's family.

Which 16-year-old is least likely to use drugs, drive while intoxicated, and be sexually active?
A)Sally, whose mother died two years ago.
B)Selena, who began menstruating at age 10.
C)Selma, who is a lesbian.
D)Sophie, who is in the midrange of pubertal maturation.

Based on the research concerning adolescent sleep needs, a good suggestion for reducing the negative effects of chronic sleep deprivation and to maximize adolescents' ability to concentrate would be to
A)have adolescents go to sleep earlier so they can wake up earlier.
B)change the school schedule to start classes later.
C)encourage adolescents to "sleep in" on weekends.
D)provide adolescents with coffee when they arrive at school in the morning.

Carolyn regularly stuffs herself with large meals, finishing them off with a couple of rich desserts. She then goes home and makes herself vomit, and follows up with two hours of exercise. Carolyn is most likely suffering from which eating disorder?
A)anorexia nervosa
B)bulimia nervosa
C)binge eating disorder

Which adolescent is least likely to abuse drugs?
A)Adam, who has serious discussions with his parents about drug use
B)Barney, who has poor impulse control
C)Carlos, who uses aggression to deal with interpersonal conflict
D)Diego, who has researched the medical uses of marijuana and other drugs

Which youngster is at highest risk to be the victim of a firearm related death?
A)Colin, a British-Canadian who has his own hunting rifles.
B)Cassius, an African American who purchased a gun to protect his family.
C)Calvin, a European American whose parents do not believe in keeping a gun at home.
D)Corlis, an Asian American who has already received awards for marksmanship.

Which of the following would be least effective as an intervention for suicide?
A)programs that identify and treat young people who are at risk of suicide
B)programs to reduce substance abuse, violence, and access to guns.
C)telephone hotlines
D)teaching children coping and problem solving skills

Helmut is at a party with many other teenagers. After drinking several beers, his friends try to take his car keys so he won't drive drunk. Helmut says, "I'm not drunk, and even if I am, I'm a good driver, the beer hasn't affected my thinking, nothing is going to happy to me." This reasoning is consistent with what Elkind calls
A)the imaginary audience.
C)the personal fable.
D)apparent hypocrisy.

Which of the following is not a common criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
A)Kohlberg's progression of stages does not correlate well with increasing age.
B)Kohlberg neglected to consider the relationship between moral reasoning and moral behavior.
C)Kohlberg's theory is oriented toward values more important to men than to women.
D)Kohlberg's theory does not necessarily fit well into nonwestern cultures.

Which of the following white students is most likely to be successful in school?
A)Richard, whose parents use an authoritative parenting style
B)Thomas, whose parents use an authoritarian parenting style
C)Vincent, whose parents use a permissive parenting style
D)Wally, whose parents try all three parenting styles, depending on the situation

The St. Paul time use study found that
A)students who work are unable to get involved in school activities.
B)there was a direct correlation between number of hours worked and students' self-esteem, mental health, and mastery skills.
C)seniors who worked more than 20 hours a week experienced serious drops in their grades.
D)students who worked fewer than 20 hours per week had higher grades than students who did not work.

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