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Guideposts for Study
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Chapter 17: Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood
Guidepost 1: How is today's older population changing?
Guidepost 2: How has life expectancy changed, and how does it vary?
Guidepost 3: What theories have been advanced for causes of aging, and what does research suggest about possibilities for extending the life span?
Guidepost 4: What physical changes occur during old age, and how do these changes vary among individuals?
Guidepost 5: What health problems are common in late adulthood, and what factors influence health at that time?
Guidepost 6: What mental and behavioral disorders do some older people experience?
Guidepost 7: What gains and losses in cognitive abilities tend to occur in late adulthood, and are there ways to improve older people's cognitive performance?
Guidepost 8: What educational opportunities can older adults pursue?

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