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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The story about John Glenn
A)challenges the long held belief in our culture that old age is a time of inevitable physical and cognitive decline.
B)demonstrates the physical differences between younger and older astronauts.
C)shows the political power of the elderly in the United States today.
D)demonstrates that in certain sectors, such as government, ageism is not a major problem.

With regard to the "graying of America,"
A)the proportion of Americans who are over 65 is greater than in most other developed countries.
B)while the number of people over 65 is increasing in the United States, the diversity among them is decreasing.
C)the fastest growing segment of elderly in the United States and worldwide is people in their 80s and older.
D)by the time they reach 100, most centenarians have chronic age related diseases.

Although some age researchers believe there is no limit to how long a person can live, typically it is believed that the limit is + 120 years. This figure refers to
A)life expectancy.
C)life span.

Which African American male can expect to live longer than a white of the same age?
A)Jesse, age 2
B)Gabriel, age 14
C)Martin, age 35
D)Alex, age 85

Scientists who identify alleles that occur with unusual frequency in centenarians in an attempt to extend life, subscribe to which theory of aging?
A)programmed senescence

Changes in a person's reserve capacity will affect that person's
B)ability to deal with physical and other types of stress.
C)heart rate.
D)immune functioning.

Rivka is 90 years old. Research on the aging brain would suggest that
A)lacking any disease process, her brain is larger now than it was when she was 25.
B)she has steadily lost neurons since her early twenties.
C)it is possible that she may be continuing to grow new neurons.
D)as her hippocampus shrinks, her cerebral cortex is growing to accommodate the change.

Rozee is visually impaired, particularly in her left eye. Her vision is limited to a small area on the periphery of that eye and her ability to discern any type of detail from the central portion of the eye. This visual malady is
A)age related macular degeneration.
D)diabetic retinopathy.

Which of the following is not correct about strength and endurance among the elderly?
A)Adults generally lose about 30% of their strength by age 70.
B)Losses in strength and endurance are largely reversible.
C)Especially for women, walking endurance declines more consistently with age than flexibility.
D)Many falls and fractures could be avoided by boosting muscle strength, balance, and gait speed.

The most common chronic health problem of older adults is
A)heart disease.

As Dave got into his 70s, his wife noticed that he suddenly seemed to become irritable, anxious, and depressed. He was beginning to wander off and get lost even though they had lived in the same neighborhood for 40 years. He could not remember what he did yesterday or even that he had eaten a meal an hour ago. He repeated the same questions over and over. Dave's doctor would probably diagnose him with
A)Parkinson's disease.
B)Alzheimer's disease.
C)multi infarct dementia.
D)vascular dementia.

Which of the following cognitive abilities is least likely to decline in old age?
A)performance scores on the WAIS
B)instrumental activities of daily living
C)switching from one task to another
D)meaningful interpersonal problems.

Which event is an elderly person most likely to forget?
A)a sequence of five numbers
B)what she ate for breakfast an hour ago
C)what countries were involved in the Revolutionary War
D)vocabulary words

Research on wisdom suggests that which age group is "most wise"?
A)young adults
B)middle aged adults
C)older adults
D)there are no significant differences among the three groups of adults

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