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The Effects of Culture on Small Group Communication
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The term that encompasses a wide variety of differences, including ethnicity, race, age, social class, education, and sexual orientation is:
D)cultural identity

When an organization practices effective diversity management, it is said to provide competitive advantages. In what way(s)?
A)The organization develops a reputation as a desirable place to work.
B)The organization appreciates varying viewpoints and thus produces greater openness to ideas.
C)Diverse viewpoints in an organization lead to better decisions because a wider range of perspectives is considered and issues can be analyzed more thoroughly and critically.
D)all of the above

The software development team, who interviewed a recruit for a position on the team, as discussed in the opening of Chapter 5, evaluated her in terms of their relaxed California work style. The recruit, however, exhibited characteristics typical of a New York professional. The working team's rejection of the recruit is an example of:
A)cultural identity
C)cultural dominance
D)co-cultural diversity

Hispanics, Greeks, college students, nurses, accountants, hunters, bowlers, the working class and the middle class are all examples of:
A)a co-culture
B)ethnocentric characteristics
C)a culture
D)cultural identity

Groupings including rural and urban; white collar and blue collar; eastern, southern, western and midwestern United States; Catholic and Jewish are examples of:
A)a culture
B)cultural identity
C)a co-culture

Intracultural communication is:
A)among individuals from different cultures or co-cultures
B)among individuals from the same culture or co-culture
C)the basis for all encounters in group communication
D)all of the above

The cultural characteristic that encompasses how we perceive the nature of the world around us, our relationship to that world, and the purpose of life is the characteristic of ________________.
A)individualism versus collectivism
C)power distance
D)uncertainty avoidance

People in the United States highly value activities that produce tangible accomplishments. This is an example of:
A)high- versus low-context communication
B)uncertainty avoidance
C)masculinity versus femininity
D)activity orientation

In the United States, people give high priority to self-development, self-actualization and individual initiative and achievement. This is an example of which cultural characteristic?
A)individualism versus collectivism
B)activity orientation
C)masculinity versus femininity
D)high- versus low-context communication

The characteristic that refers to how well people in a particular culture tolerate ambiguity and unpredictability is the characteristic of ______________________ :
A)activity orientation
B)masculinity versus femininity
C)uncertainty avoidance
D)high- versus low-context communication

Which culture is more comfortable with a controlling, directive leadership style?
A)masculine cultures
B)feminine cultures
C)activity oriented cultures
D)all of the above

Which of the following describes people from a black culture in America?
A)verbally inventive
D)all of the above

The significant events people live through together contribute to formation of their worldview, values, and communication preferences. This is an example of:
A)co-cultural differences based on gender
B)co-cultural differences based on ethnicity
C)co-cultural differences based on age
D)co-cultural differences based on race

The generation, born from 1901 to 1945, tend to be cautious about money, defer gratification, and believe in self-sacrifice, and working toward the common good is the:
A)boomer generation
B)X generation
C)net generation
D)builder generation

This is the largest generation in terms of members but they are too young yet to have made their influence fully felt:
A)builder generation
B)X generation
C)net generation
D)boomer generation

Which of the following describe co-cultural characteristics based on socioeconomic class:
C)job authority
D)all of the above

Researchers have identified differences among the classes in terms of their use of discourse. For example, people from backgrounds of generational poverty use discourse as a form of ________________ :
D)preserving tradition

The discourse style characterized by complete sentences, standard sentence construction and syntax, an extensive vocabulary, specific words, and the speaker gets right to the point is:
A)formal register
B)conversational register
C)popular register
D)casual register

Recent research indicates that minority members of groups are often the lowest contributors. What might account for this?
A)the dominant culture tends to operate ethnocentrically
B)minorities may lack a sense of belonging to the group
C)minorities prefer individual over group decison making
D)all of the above

Research shows that new minority hires encounter:
A)more relational isolation within the organization
B)more setbacks in becoming truly part of their organizations
C)inaccessibility to certain relational doors within the organization
D)all of the above

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