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Key Terms
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Population  All possible individuals making up a group of interest in a study. For example, all U.S. women constitute a population. A small proportion of the population is selected for inclusion in a study (see sample).
Sample  A relatively small number of individuals drawn from a population for inclusion in a study. See also population.
Generalization  Applying a finding beyond the limited situation in which it was observed.
Random sample  A sample drawn from the population such that every member of the population has an equal opportunity to be included in the sample.
Nonrandom sample  A specialized sample of subjects used in a study who are not randomly chosen from a population.
Institutional review board (IRB)  A committee that screens proposals for research using human participants for adherence to ethical standards.
Volunteer bias  Bias in a sample that results from using volunteer participants exclusively.
Deception  A research technique in which participants are misinformed about the true nature and purpose of a study. Deception is ethical if the researcher can demonstrate that important results cannot be obtained in any other way.
Role playing  Alternative to deceptive research that involves having participants act as though they had been exposed to a certain treatment.
Debriefing  A session, conducted after an experimental session, in which participants are informed of any deception used and the reasons for the deception.
Institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC)  A committee that screens proposals for research using animal subjects and monitors using institutional animal-care facilities to ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal laws governing animal care and use.

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