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Chapter Outline
(See related pages)

How Much are we Influenced by Human Nature and Cultural Diversity?
  1. Genes, Evolution and Behavior
  2. Culture and Behavior
  3. Social Roles
How are Gender Similarities and Differences Explained?
  1. Independence versus Connectedness
  2. 2. Social Dominance
  3. 3. Aggression
  4. 4. Sexuality
Evolution and Gender: Doing What Comes Naturally?
  1. Gender and Mating Preferences
  2. Gender and Hormones
  3. Reflections on Evolutionary Psychology
Culture and Gender: Doing as the Culture Says?
  1. Gender Roles Vary With Culture
  2. 2. Gender Roles Vary Over Time
  3. 3. Peer-transmitted Culture
  1. Biology and Culture
  2. 2. The Great Lesson of Social Psychology
Personal Postscript: Should We View Ourselves as Products or Architects of Our Social Worlds?

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