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Multiple Choice Quiz
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When a call with a patient is long or complicated,
A)interrupt the patient and tell her that the call is going nowhere.
B)summarize the details of the call to ensure understanding by both you and the patient.
C)ask the physician to take the call.
D)tell the patient that you do not have anymore time to talk.

A disadvantage of communicating by telephone is
A)you cannot rely on the patient's body language or facial expression.
B)the patient's feelings are communicated.
C)you have to talk with difficult patients.
D)you have to relay messages to the physician.

Learning the telephone triage process includes
A)permitting the office staff to diagnose a patient's problem.
B)eliminating the need to ask the patient his age and symptoms.
C)using the guidelines written for commonly asked questions.
D)the office staff prescribing the treatment plan for the patient.

Handling an incoming telephone call regarding a patient progress report, you should
A)route the call to the physician immediately.
B)take a message for the doctor.
C)handle the situation yourself.
D)ask the nurse to handle it.

When talking to a patient on the phone, use
A)a low-pitched voice.
B)technical language.
C)a slow pace.
D)a normal conversational tone.

After speaking with a patient on the telephone, a medical assistant must always
A)meet with the doctor to discuss the call.
B)schedule an appointment for the patient.
C)bill the patient for the telephone time.
D)document the conversation in the patient's record.

Your first priority when responding to a complaint of an angry patient is to
A)take careful notes.
B)stay calm and try to pacify the caller.
C)promise the patient that the issue will be resolved.
D)follow up promptly on the problem.

If you do not recognize the name of the patient calling, the most appropriate response is
A)“Could you please tell me your name?”
B)“Has it been some time since you've seen the doctor?”
C)“Have you been to this practice before?”
D)“I don't recognize your voice. Who are you?”

The appropriate way to handle an incoming telephone call for a physician from another physician is to
A)route the call to the physician immediately, if possible.
B)take a message for the physician.
C)provide the calling physician with whatever information requested.
D)handle the call yourself without bothering the physician.

Which of the following is an example of a common triage question that a medical assistant might answer?
A)“How do I make my child with chickenpox more comfortable?”
B)“How do I stop the bleeding from my incision line?”
C)“My broken arm is really hurting and I need you to tell me what medication to take.”
D)“Tell me what to do, because I just dumped hot grease on my arm.”

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