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Critical Thinking
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Each chapter closes with Critical Thinking Questions (listed below) as a review of chapter material that focuses on the role of the medical assistant.

1. A patient calls because he has found a small tick behind his son's ear. What would you advise him to do?

2. A 20-year-old female arrives at the clinic for a gynecological examination. She asks you “What exactly is the doctor going to do to me? I have heard so many stories, and I do not know what to expect.” What should you say or do?

3. A patient comes in with slurred speech and behavior that suggests intoxication. What types of substances might this patient be abusing? How might you differentiate between them?

4. An elderly female patient arrives at your facility and makes the following statement regarding her recent change in living arrangements: “I miss my old friends. Since I moved in with my niece, she does not let me have company. We talk too loud, she says, and we have nothing worthwhile to say.” What should you do?

5. A 2-month-old infant arrives at the clinic for a well-child visit. During the examination by the physician, the infant is crying and agitated. What should you do?

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