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Critical Thinking
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Each chapter closes with Critical Thinking Questions (listed below) as a review of chapter material that focuses on the role of the medical assistant.

1. Your patient's physical therapist has prescribed hydrotherapy three times a week. Although the patient can drive, he tells you that he cannot keep his appointments because his wife has Alzheimer's disease and should not be left alone. How could you help solve this problem?

2. When teaching patients how to use a walker, what changes to their home environment would you suggest to ensure their safety?

3. Describe how you can improve your skills in applying physical therapy and how you can keep informed about new therapies and techniques.

4. A 76-year-old man arrives at the clinic using a walker. As he enters the examination room, you notice that he is pushing the walker and not lifting it. What should you do?

5. The physician asks you to teach a client how to perform upper body ROM exercises. What teaching techniques would you use?

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