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Critical Thinking
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Each chapter closes with Critical Thinking Questions (listed below) as a review of chapter material that focuses on the role of the medical assistant.

1. A 27-year-old male patient with diabetes comes to the office for treatment of an upper respiratory infection. While in the waiting room, he begins to sweat profusely and becomes restless and confused. What should you do and why?

2. One of the office secretaries confesses to you that she has become addicted to painkillers. She asks for your help, but she does not want you to tell anyone about her problem because she is afraid of losing her job. What should you do?

3. A 39-year-old female patient has visited your office many times. Today, however, you notice that she is disheveled and anxious. After you greet her, she describes general, nonspecific complaints in a sad, tired tone of voice. What should you do?

4. An infant has been burned on his entire chest and the left arm. What percentage of his body is burned? An adult has the same burns. What percentage of her body has been burned?

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