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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which animals are likely to be carriers of rabies?
B)guinea pigs and mice
C)dogs, cats, and raccoons

The appropriate way to remove an insect stinger is to
A)use your fingers to pull it out.
B)scrape the skin with a credit card or flat, hard, sharp object.
C)never remove the stinger.
D)take it out with a pair of tweezers.

Until help arrives, the appropriate care of a snakebite includes
A)washing the area with soap and water and applying a clean or sterile dressing.
B)applying an ice pack or a plastic bag full of ice.
C)cutting the wound or suctioning the wound.
D)applying a tourniquet and positioning the affected area above heart level.

Which of the following is the appropriate care for a spider bite?
A)administer a tetanus toxoid
B)remove the stinger
C)apply a tourniquet and cut the wound
D)apply an ice pack and keep the area below the level of the heart

Which of the following is part of the care of first-degree burns?
A)apply a greasy ointment or butter to the area of the burn
B)immerse the area in cold water or apply a cold-water dressing
C)scrub the area with soap and water
D)break all the blisters that have formed

Which of the following is characteristic of second-degree burns?
A)all layers of the skin are involved
B)the dermis is damaged and blisters form
C)there is no pain associated with the burn
D)the epidermis is damaged and the surrounding skin becomes red

Care of third-degree burns include
A)removal of all charred or adhered clothing from the patient.
B)administration of pain medication.
C)elevation of hands, arms, or legs above the heart.
D)application of greasy ointment or butter.

The universal sign of choking is
A)a coughing fit.
B)an anxious patient saying “I'm choking.”
C)a hand up to the throat and a fearful look.
D)an unconscious patient.

Which of the following is part of the care of a severed ear?
A)avoid covering the ear and place it directly in ice
B)place the ear in a cup of water
C)wrap the ear in plastic and place it in ice
D)dry the ear and wrap it in paper

A patient should be placed in which position before beginning cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
A)on the left side
B)on the back
C)prone, but with the head turned to the side
D)on the right side

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