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Key Terms
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Contextualization  Placing information/data into a larger perspective, especially in ethnography.
Crystallization  Occasions, especially in ethnography, when different kinds of data 'fall in place' to make a coherent picture.
Culture  The sum of a social group's observable patterns of behavior and/or their customs, beliefs and knowledge.
Descriptive field notes  Notes that describe what the researcher has observed.
Emic perspective  The view of reality of a cultural 'insider'; especially in ethnography.
Ethnographic research  The collection of data on many variables over an extended period of time in a naturalistic setting, usually using observation and interviews.
Ethnography  The collection of data on many variables over an extended period of time in a naturalistic setting, usually using observation and interviews.
Etic perspective  The 'outsider' or 'objective' view of a culture's reality, especially in ethnography.
Field diary  A personal statement of a researcher's opinions about people and events he or she comes in contact with during research.
Field jottings  Quick notes taken by an ethnographer.
Field log  A running account of how an ethnographer plans to, and actually does, spend his or her time in the field.
Field notes  The notes researchers take about what they observe and think about in the field.
Holistic perspective  The attempt to incorporate all aspects of a culture into an ethnographic interpretation.
Member checking  Participants in a qualitative study are asked to check the accuracy of the research report.
Participant observation  Observation in which the observer actually becomes a participant in the situation to be observed.
Reflective field notes  A record of the observer's thoughts and reflections during and after observation.
Thick description  In ethnography, the provision of great detail on the basic data/information.
Triangulation  Cross-checking of data using multiple data sources or multiple data-collection procedures.

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