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androgyny  The presence of a high degree of feminine and masculine characteristics in the same individual.
cognitive developmental theory of gender  The theory that children's gender typing occurs after they think of themselves as boys and girls. Once they consistently conceive of themselves as male or female, children prefer activities, objects, and attitudes that are consistent with this label.
evolutionary psychology theory  Emphasizes that adaptation during the evolution of humans produced psychological differences between males and females. In this theory, primarily because of their differing roles in reproduction, males and females faced difference pressures as they were evolving.
gender roles  Sets of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, or feel.
gender schema theory  The theory that gender typing emerges as children gradually develop gender schemas of what is gender appropriate and gender inappropriate in their culture.
gender stereotypes  General beliefs about females and males.
gender  The psychological and social dimension of being female or male.
gender-role transcendence  Thinking about ourselves and others as people, not as masculine, feminine, or androgynous.
psychoanalytic theory of gender  Stems from Freud's view that preschool children develop a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent, then, at 5 to 6 years of age, renounce the attraction because of anxious feelings, subsequently identifying with the same-sex parent and unconsciously adopting the same-sex parent's characteristics.
sexism  Prejudice and discrimination against an individual because of his or her sex.
social cognitive theory of gender  The idea that children's gender development occurs through observation and imitation, and through rewards and punishment for gender-appropriate and -inappropriate behavior.
social role theory  Eagly's theory that psychological gender differences are caused by the contrasting social roles of women and men.

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