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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Anutha Jock views himself as a person who plays contact sports, dates women, parties with the guys, and hopes some day to be married and be a breadwinner. Which of the following statements is true? (Learning Goal 1)
A)Anutha is viewing himself in terms of his sex.
B)Anutha is viewing himself in terms of his gender.
C)Anutha is thinking that his gender roles are ambiguous.
D)Anutha is thinking that he is androgynous.
Anutha Jock views himself as a person who has facial hair, an Adam's apple, pecs and defined abs. Which of the following statements is true? (Learning Goal 1)
A)Anutha is viewing himself in terms of his sex.
B)Anutha is viewing himself in terms of his gender.
C)Anutha is thinking that his gender roles are ambiguous.
D)Anutha is thinking that he is androgynous.
As he was growing up, Anutha Jock viewed himself as a person who was aggressive, power-oriented, and independent. Now he sees that many men are sensitive, less aggressive and treat women as equals. Which of the following statements is true? (Learning Goal 1)
A)Anutha is viewing himself in terms of his sex.
B)Anutha is viewing himself in terms of his gender.
C)Anutha is thinking that his gender roles are ambiguous.
D)Anutha is thinking that he is androgynous.
Managua lives in Buffalostan, a developing country. She performs more domestic work, spends fewer hours in paid employment, and receives lower pay than men. The theory that explains these gender differences is (Learning Goal 1)
A)evolutionary psychology theory.
B)social role theory.
C)psychoanalytic theory of gender.
D)social cognitive theory of gender.
When Macho Mann was growing up, he observed what his dad did - fished, played sports, did not cry. In high school, his friends, by their actions, encouraged him to play contact sports, date women, and keep his feelings within himself. The theory that explains these gender differences is (Learning Goal 1)
A)evolutionary psychology theory.
B)social role theory.
C)psychoanalytic theory of gender.
D)social cognitive theory of gender.
Happy Homemaker stayed at home and cleaned the house, prepared the meals, raised the children, and always deferred to her husband when important decisions had to be made. Happy is a living example of (Learning Goal 2)
B)a Type A personality.
C)a gender stereotype.
D)gender transcendence.
Mercury and Mercuria were administrative assistants to Jupiter Juno, a multimillionaire entrepreneur. Mercury would arrange meetings, write proposals, and aid in decision making. Mercuria would get the coffee, go out and get the lunches, file the papers, and make multiple copies of the proposals. Mercuria (Learning Goal 2)
A)was acting in a way to conform to her gender schema.
B)never resolved her Electra complex.
C)was a victim of sexism.
D)was culturally stereotyped.
Terry has smooth skin and no facial hair. Terry has a nondescript form and wears loosely fitting clothes. Terry's voice is neither high nor low and Terry and has fairly short hair. Terry is neither dominant nor especially sensitive. Terry is (Learning Goal 2)
Sam is dominant and wields a lot of power in the financial world. Sam is also very sensitive to other individuals. Sam is assertive in business opportunities and caring in interpersonal relationships. Sam is (Learning Goal 2)
Which of the following statements is true? (Learning Goal 3)
A)Men experience stress when they violate traditional male roles.
B)Men experience stress when they act in accord with traditional male roles.
C)Men have higher rates of stress-related disorders, alcoholism, car accidents, and suicide.
D)all of the above.
Which of the following statements is true? (Learning Goal 3)
A)The male's role involves expectations that men should be dominant, powerful, and aggressive.
B)The male's role involves expectations that men should control women and should think of women in terms of their bodies rather than their minds and feelings.
C)The male's role involves expectations that men should not consider women equal to men.
D)all of the above.
Rackem Stackem was raised to never show his feelings because it was not manly. He also was taught to act tough. Rackem was a victim of (Learning Goal 3)
A)role strain
B)the boy code.
D)none of the above.
Which of the following statements is true? (Learning Goal 3)
A)Asian American fathers are often the figurative heads of families, especially when dealing with the public, but in private they have relinquished some of their decision-making powers to their wives.
B)In Mexican families, the concept of machismo continues to influence the role of the male and the patriarchal orientation of Mexican families.
C)In some Native American tribes, child care is shared by men.
D)all of the above.
Too many men have had too little interaction with their fathers, especially fathers who are positive role models. This can cause considerable (Learning Goal 3)
A)gender-role transcendence.
B)role strain.
C)turmoil as a result of the boy code.
D)confusion as a result of the national crisis of manhood.
Adjustment strategies for men include (Learning Goal 3)
A)understanding one's self and one's emotions.
B)improving one's social relationships.
C)lowering one's health risks.
D)all of the above.

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